Friday, December 12, 2003

Something unusual happened to me today. Well, not so much to me, but I was witness to it. I saw a car wreck.

I was coming north on Warman Road from downtown. I was passing the Shell station on the corner of Warman and Assiniboine. The light for the intersection turned yellow as I approached. It happened late enough that the best idea was for me to just go through it. I know, not the nicest thing to do, I could have tried to stop, but I wasn't running a red or anything. It was still yellow as I passed the light standards.

There was a truck waiting to turn left. I went through the yellow, and he was still stopped in the turn lane facing me. I went through, and after I'd passed the 7-11, or at least a couple seconds later, I looked in my rearview mirror. The truck was beginning his left hand turn. By now the yellow I'd gone through should have been a solid red. Someone tried to run the light. They didn't make it. The late model, grey four door sedan, hammered into the engine section of this old truck that was making a left hand turn.

I'd never seen anything like that before. I'd been in collisions but this was a full blown car wreck. The car was at full speed limit speed, or better, and the truck was in motion too. The front end of the car got mashed badly, and the truck was spun sideways by the impact. I had to look away and pay attention on driving, but before I stopped watching some smoke or steam was surrounding the scene.

It was kind of surreal to watch this in my rearview mirror. It reminds me of the time I saw a tornado in my rearview mirror as I was coming home on 51st Street. I suppose its a bad thing to witness, but there was a sense of detached curiousity.

Thursday, December 11, 2003

I have another complaint.

What's wrong with people? We complain about gas going up to $0.749 a litre. We act like we're being robbed blind. Then we go to the convenience store and buy a Coke, or similiarly bottle product and pay $1.65 for 591 mL. I did the math folks, that's $2.79 a litre. If we're getting robbed anywhere at the gas station, its at the soft drink counter, not the gas pump.

Which is not to say I'm happy about the current state of gas prices. I'd like them to be lower. I'm just saying there are greater consumer injustices out there in the world.
I have a complaint. Its about cell phones. Not so much the phones themselves, but the people that use them. Don't call me, on your cell phone, with a situation that you consider to be of dire emergency. Spur me to a quick resolution, then have me phone you back on your cell phone. IF you're going to do all of this, at least make sure that you have some freakin' coverage wherever you are so I can, in fact, get a hold of you. How freakin' useless is it to make me do a panic fix on something, only to be unavailable to any kind of contact!?!


Wednesday, December 10, 2003

We haven't done this in awhile, a joke.

God said, "Go down into that valley!"
And Adam said, "What's a valley?" and God explained it to him.
Then God said, "Cross the river!"
And Adam said "What's a river?" and God explained it to him.
And then God said, "Go over the hill!"
And Adam said, "What's a hill?" and God explained it to him.
Then God told Adam, "On the other side of the hill, you will find a cave!"
And Adam said, "What's a cave?" and God explained that to him.
Then God said, "In the cave you will find a woman!"
And Adam said, "What's a woman?" so God explained that to him.
Then God said, "I want you to reproduce."
And Adam said, "How do I do that?" So God explained it to him.
So off went Adam, down into the valley, across the river, and over the hill, and into the cave, and found the woman, and in about five minutes he was back.
God said angrily, "What is it now?!"
And Adam said, "What's a headache?
I had a rough night last night. When I went to bed last night I had a slight headache behind me eyes. I thought maybe it was from the contact lenses so I took them out to go to sleep. (You are supposed to be able to sleep in these ones I have now) I woke up about 2:30 last night with the worst headache of my life. I thought I was having an anyeurism. I couldn't stand it. I had to get up, struggle upstairs to the bathroom and get some ibuprofen. (The medicne cabinet is in the upstairs bathroom for some reason.) Spent a fitful while after that before falling asleep again. That was brutal. Consequently I was still tired when the alarm clock woke me this morning. I fell back asleep for twenty minutes after it roused me, and ended up a few minutes late for work. Had that headache persisted into the morning I think I'd have stayed home today. That was horrible.

I know, not a very spiritually uplifting blog for the morning. I'll see if something more exciting happens over the rest of the day.


Tuesday, December 09, 2003

It is Tuesday and that brings us 'Newlyweds' and 'The Simple Life' on CTV. I won't go into Newlyweds because these are all repeats now. It does surprise me how a gorgeous celebrity could be so insecure but I guess people are people. Which brings us to, The Simple Life. Here is a show I just can't make up my mind about. I know its not very good and yet, I would be lying if I didn't say that I enjoyed this weeks episode.

Tonight Paris and Nicole got jobs, new ones yet again, at the Sonic Burger restaurant in town. Just wondering how a town of 817 could have a fast food restaurant, but I digress. Anyway, the girls were working in the restaurant and not unpredictably, screwed everything up. Actually, it was more Nicole than Paris this time. Paris actually seemed to get the hang of taking and filling orders. Nicole screwed everything up. They were equal partners in the sign fiasco, and storming the grocery store in the Sonic costumes. As Nicole was screwing up onion rings, Paris seemed to have cooking bacon under control. My review of their performance would be, without Nicole, Paris might actually have been able to hold the Sonic job.

Which brings me to what I find to be the fatal flaw in this show. The action is obviously being directed or scripted. I don't deny that the same thing may happen on other reality shows, but its far less apparent. It is quite easy to tell that this pair is screwing up on purpose. Which would be fine, if the premise was based on the idea of the girls trying every job available in a small town. But the pitched idea, to us the public at least, was they were supposed to adapt to The Simple Life. Losing every job you get isn't very good adaptation.

Maybe the problem is mine in that I expect more from the show than laughing at a couple of rich dim bulbs. I think that's what we're supposed to take from this misadventure. I have to say though, it would be more fulfilling to laugh at their misfortunes if you got the impression they were actually trying, and it was the culture shock that made them screw up. Anyone could just lose a job a day, and do it with more personality. The best moments of the show are when the pair honestly don't know something that the rest of us take for granted, like claiming dependents on your tax form.

In summation, I give it a 7. The show still sucks but this one was more fun than the first two.

Does anyone know what angel food cake tastes so much better than regular cake?