Friday, November 28, 2003

Blog Question Of The Day:

Does anyone like the balogna with the seeds in it!?!
My ear hurts and I appear to be bleeding from it. This can't be good, can it?

Thursday, November 27, 2003

Blog Question Of The Day:

Should I start drinking Kool-Aid again?
Have you ever sat and wondered, how much pie could I eat in one sitting?
Can someone explain this to me?

I have 100 channels. I have 200 channels. I have channels that go up into the 700's on my on screen guide. How is it then that I can have all these channels and then still be unable to find anything I want to watch!?!

Wednesday, November 26, 2003

I wish I knew more.

Life kind of frustrates me some days. Actually, it frustrates me a lot of days. I'll be cruising along at a nice pace, and then something will come up to disrupt my comfortable groove. And this will be something I won't know the answer for. That's not such a big deal. I'll go find the answer and resolve the issue. The part that frustrates me is, the question will open me to a wealth of information that lead me to the answer, and I'll come to grips with the concept of knowing little, when I thought I knew lots.

I suppose that's not such a big problem. No one can know everything, its just not possible. And I don't expect that I do, nor can, know everything. But its awe inspiring to look for an answer to a question, and realize just how much knowledge there is in the world about any particular topic. And what makes it awe inspiring, at least to me, is that I could read and research and pursue knowledge on any one thing for the whole of my life, and not get it all. That's just picking ONE thing, and trying to learn everything about it. In the course of a day I might go look for two or three unique answers, and coming to all that knowledge makes me want to know it all. Multiply that across a whole week, and a month, and a year? There is so much knowledge in the world and I could work my whole life and never touch even a fraction of it. That inspires and humbles me at the same time.

Chim-pan-zees!!! :-P
Blog Question Of The Day:

What song reminds you of sex?

Tuesday, November 25, 2003

Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic

Mark it down wherever you mark stuff down. I want to play this game so if any kind souls are looking for a Christmas gift for me, that'd be a good choice.
My active Souris file, which is filled with miscellaneous correspondence, spec sheets, incidental documentation, and other filing of project minutiae is 3-1/2 inches thick.
Song of the Day:

Barenaked Ladies - Another Postcard

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Hey Melissa! Chim-pan-zees!!! :-P

Monday, November 24, 2003

Can't blog

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Infected with plague

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Much too weak

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Will blog again when fully a zombie