Friday, May 09, 2003

I'm having a devil of a time remembering things lately. I had a good blog topic on my mind this morning but I'm neck deep in work items again this week and I forgot to write my blog idea down at the moment I had it. Consequently, now that the afternoon has rolled around I have forgotten what I was going to say.

If I think of it, I'll try to write it down immediately for you, my reading public.


Thursday, May 08, 2003

I'm always a little disappointed when Naughty Amateur Home Videos has obvious professionals on it.
I forgot what I wanted to put here today. I thought of something while I was driving but its left me.

Instead I will say how disappointed I am in the outcome of the Vancouver Canucks hockey game. They just didn't show up in this third period. How sad. A Minnesota Wild versus Anaheim Mighty Ducks semi-final? What kind of nonsense is that?


Wednesday, May 07, 2003

I think the girl working at the reception desk, at the Days Inn in Brandon, is even cuter this trip. She was also kinda flirty, which is never a bad thing.

As well, there was an audacious young girl in the pool while I was there. Black with pink trim bikini, that didn't really hide all the curves. It was a nice diversion during my relaxation from the drive. Didn't hurt that she was a mad tease, although it did get to be a little 'over the top'.

What's the statute of limitations on the use of 'brb' in instant message conversations? Everyone uses it and it can mean anything from 30 seconds, to almost forever. It seems like there should be some kind of definition on be RIGHT back, and be back later. I chat online a lot and 'brb' gets used for such a wide variety of reasons that you never know whether its a, just a few seconds, thing or a much longer period of time. I think it would be a good idea if we, as online chatters, added 'bbl' to our lexicon for, be back later, to cover those instances when we have to go do something, but we don't know how long it will take.


Tuesday, May 06, 2003

I'm still hearing the Outlook Express 'you have mail' bleep, when I haven't got any new mail. Am I going (more) crazy?
I officially hate small towns. I know Humboldt has declared itself a city but after what I witnessed today it is very much a town. A larger than normal town, I will grant, but still a town.

SGI screwed me on my truck, again. They listed it as an SLE and not the SLS that it actually is. The autobody place went by that and ordered the bumper for an SLE, which will not match my SLS truck. I can forgive the autobody people for that. Its an honest mistake because you would expect SGI to do their job right. They didn't, of course, and that's a whole different issue I won't go into here. So I get a call from the autobody place this morning. There's been a mistake, we can't do your bumper today, we're sorry. That's fine. If you can't get it done, I guess I'll come by AT LUNCH and swap back the loaner for my truck.

This lunch distinction is an important one. I specfically said I'd come by at lunch and get my truck. So I drive the half an hour to Humboldt, pull up to the door, and ITS CLOSED!!! What the hell!?!

And this is the crux of my complaint. What business, in a REAL city, closes its doors completely for lunch!?! None that I can think of. Sure, they might stop working for the lunch hour, but there's at least someone there to answer phones and anyone that might come through the door. In a small town they lock the doors, close the shop, and everyone leaves. This is my beef, and the reason I'm annoyed. Maybe I should have known but I specifically said I was coming at lunch. Why didn't the person on the phone tell me they closed the office for lunch!?!


P.S. They have a Subway in Wynyard but not in Humboldt? What's that all about!?! Just one more reason why Humboldt is a penny ante city.

P.P.S. I had a Mr. Sub sandwich for lunch today. I'm really not sure you get your money's worth at $6.50 a sandwich.

Monday, May 05, 2003

Why do I put an 'i' on the end of words that end in 'ion'. For example, inspiration becomes inspirationi. Do I secretly yearn to be Italian?
Some ruminations on the morning drive back to Watson.

I hate tractors. This time of year just drives me nutty. You'll be flying along at normal road speed. A corner comes up and you cruise around it smoothly. Then, around the other side of the curve is a bloody Case IH tractor. You can't just zip around it because coming in the other lane is inevitable tractor. So you have to slam on the brakes, bloody near locking them up, to slow down behind this tractor. I hate tractors.

What's the deal with people in white cars? I was driving back this morning and two cars passed me like I was standing still. Both were white. Now, I could handle this if I was going slow. I was not. I was doing my usual generous interpretation of the speed limit. They went by me like I was an old person driver. I figure they had to be doing 150 or better. And its not like they were Mustangs, Corvettes, or Camaros. One was a Chrsyler Neon and the other was an old model Cavalier sedan. Not exactly sport models. I hope they don't come upon a tractor. 8-(
