Saturday, May 16, 2020

Act of Caring (2020-05-16)

Act of Caring

I did water stuff today: I replaced the drinking water bottle and added three pails of water to the hot tub.

The Daily Affirmation (2020-05-16)

The Daily Affirmation

The yard looks nice after I cut the grass.

La Connexion Francaise (2020-05-16)

La Connexion Francaise

quoique = though
costaud = strong
glousser = chuckle
crasseux = filthy
par-bris = windshield
abrutir = stultify
chaceler = totter
ferraille = scrap
costard = suit
brasero = brazier
siffler = whistle
malin = clever
couinement = squeak
fondre = melt
abasourdir = stun
fuir = flee
prêtre = priest
canard = duck
encocher = notch
flécher = arrow
viser = aim

Dénombrement en français

J'ai lu juste le plus humereux histoire de Twitter.

Pourquoi est-ce que je lutte lire francais un jour et ce vais bien le suivant jour?

Friday, May 15, 2020

The Daily Affirmation (2020-05-15)

The Daily Affirmation 

I may have figured out the pattern to beat the Ninth Sister.  Now to just execute it better!

Today I Learned ... (2020-05-15)

Today I Learned ...

I started writing down my daily prescription consumptions on April 28, 2014.

La Connexion Francaise (2020-05-15)

La Connexion Francaise

maillot = shirt
fesses = buttocks
oie = goose
fondre = melt
freiner = brake
poussette = stroller

Dénombrement en français

Aujourd-hui est trop chaotique.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Daily Affirmation (2020-05-14)

The Daily Affirmation 

Zoe and I had a nice, long 5.30 km dog walk tonight.

La Connexion Francaise (2020-05-14)

La Connexion Francaise

blasé = jaded
jaillir = spring up
fond = background
piétons = pedestrians
tamponner = dab
fuite = flight
chalumeau = blow torch
cire = wax
flagues = puddles
épargner = save

Dénombrement en français

Je faut épargne mon vie.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

The Daily Affirmation (2020-05-13)

The Daily Affirmation 

I won my game of Ballistic Baseball tonight.

Blog Question Of The Day (2020-05-13)

Blog Question Of The Day

Should I buy another iPad to use as a permanent side monitor?

La Connexion Francaise (2020-05-13)

La Connexion Francaise

carrosserie = body
froisser = crumple
nuage = cloud
bêtise = stupid
creuser = dig
voûter = vault
gémir = groan
tuyau = pipe
ronger = gnaw
rouille = rust
poussière = dust

Dénombrement en français

Je pourrais faire sans poussière.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The Daily Affirmation (2020-05-12)

The Daily Affirmation

My filling replacement was remarkably quick, especially considering all the safety precautions.

I won three rounds of Madden 20 tonight.

La Connexion Francaise (2020-05-12)

La Connexion Francaise

rembobiner = rewind
débrouiller = unravel
saillie = protusion
pilier = pillar
jaillir = spring up
fouillir = rummage
clocher = bell tower
cramponner = hold on
durcir = harden
épave = wreck

Dénombrement en français

Mon rendez-vous s'est mieux passé que prévu.

Monday, May 11, 2020

The Daily Affirmation (2020-05-11)

The Daily Affirmation

A file I've had queued to download for months made meaningful progress today.

La Connexion Francaise (2020-05-11)

La Connexion Francaise

saisir = grab
rêche = rough
dépêcher = hurry
éloigner = remove
boiter = limp
larguer = dump
rugisser = roar
moule = mussel
tasser = tamp down
gosse = kid
ravir = delight
devancer = anticipate
aménager = arrange
manche = handle

Dénombrement en français

Je ne sens pas bien.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

The Daily Affirmation (2020-05-10)

The Daily Affirmation 

My Mom liked her Mother's Day flowers.

Today I Learned . . . (2020-05-10)

Today I Learned . . . 

On average it costs $1/sq. ft. for new sod.

La Connexion Francaise (2020-05-10)

La Connexion Francaise

verrouiller = lock
parvenir = reach
cinglés = weirdos
blafard = pale
cribler = screen
déchiffrer = decipher
naufrage = shipwreck
navire = ship
proche = close

Dénombrement en français

J'aime cet livre plus que mon livre francais dernier.