Thursday, July 19, 2007

I want to make a Rogers wireless commercial. I see the stupid ads whenever I watch sports. Its aggravating the hell out of me.

A beautiful woman is sitting on a bench, waiting for her ride. Offscreen on the right a dorky looking guy in glasses, an untucked shirt with a ruppled sweater over it, and a ratty backpack on his back sits down. The Dork looks left at the woman. She acknowledges his gaze but goes back to her Blackberry. He keeps sneaking glances at her. She ignores them.

After several seconds, and several furtive glances, the Dork speaks. He says 'I was thinking about getting one of those."

The Hot Woman looks up from her Blackberry, sizes the guy up for half a second and says "I wouldn't. You're too much of a loser."

Immediate cut to the Rogers wireless logo screen.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Blog Poll Of The Day:

(This is a serious one. I'd actually like some responses.)

What do you find the most interesting in a web site? What would make you the most likely to visit one multiple times?
We are entering a brave, new world. KY is now advertising on television.
Things That Piss Me Off:

When you faithfully read a blog, but the writer is so devoid of any kind of original idea that they post a instant message conversation they had with someone, that was equally if not more lame than posting nothing at all.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Who is listening to this crap!?!

I'm watching Punch Much again. (Okay, I know. I'm the cause of my own misery by doing this. But I checked every other channel and there was nothing worth watching anywhere. This was the least of evils.) I just suffered through one of the most excruciating 3.5 minutes of my life. It was called Young Folks by Bjorn and his Bum Buddies, or something equally vapid and puerile. Who voted for this dreck? I mean, gawd! It was awful. Claws on a chalkboard couldn't be more excruciating than this pathetic excuse for music. And PunchMuch is the channel where you have to vote a song into getting played. Someone voted for this? More than one person voted for this? Granted, I have documented proof that they manipulate the rankings to play certain songs. Still, I can't for the life of me understand why they'd go out of their way to get this turd into rotation.

Young Folks: Peter Bjorn & John - avoid it at all costs

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Blog Question Of The Day:

Why are web site subscription fees so expensive?