Friday, May 27, 2016

La Connexion Francaise (2016-05-27)

La Connexion Francaise

quel(le) = what
s'appuyer = to lean

Dénombrement en français

Je sens bien.
Je ne sais pas quelle faire.

The Daily Affirmation (2016-05-27)

The Daily Affirmation

I finally had a good Neurofeedback session, after several bad one's in a row

I feel optimistic again, after several bad days in a row.

Months after I ordered and got stiffed by the Chinese of a green Dallas Stars #47 Johnny Oduya jersey, it finally showed up at the doorstep.

Blog Question Of The Day (2016-05-27)

Blog Question Of The Day

Why does everyone want to race me in my sports car(s)?

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Blog Question Of The Day (2016-05-26)

Blog Question Of The Day

Why does nothing turn out even remotely close to the way I intend it to be?

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

La Connexion Francaise (2016-05-25)

La Connexion Francaise

coucher = to lay down
jambe = leg
envoyer = to send
sauter = to jump

Dénombrement en français

Je ne veux pas courir.

The Daily Affirmation (2016-05-25)

The Daily Affirmation

I believe I have isolated all the variables that will let me figure out the design flow parameter of Dow membranes.

I really enjoyed Captain America: Civil War.

Blog Question Of The Day (2016-05-25)

Blog Question Of The Day

Where can I find a (good) replacement goalie for the Maroons to finish out the spring season?

Today I Learned . . . (2016-05-25)

Today I Learned . . .

It is possible to solve for the design values of membrane performance by manipulating the simulation software.

Act of Caring (2016-05-25)

Act of Caring

On behalf of my team mates, and not for reasons based on my own emotion, I submitted a protest letter regarding our contested game last week.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

The Daily Affirmation (2016-05-24)

The Daily Affirmation

I appear to have solved how to get the A value for a Dow membrane.

Today I Learned . . . (2016-05-24)

Today I Learned . . .

While earlier information seemed to suggest that the A values for several Dow RO/NF membranes was available in an internet publication, this appears to be contradicted by further investigation that the A value can be interpolated from Dow's ROSA software.

I am afraid to run.

Blog Question Of The Day (2016-05-24)

Blog Question Of The Day

Should I attempt to repair the destroyed kitchen drawer?

Monday, May 23, 2016