Thursday, August 25, 2005

Blog Question Of The Day:

What's wrong with people that save a whole album as ONE mp3 file?
What the hell is wrong with some people!?!

I checked my cell phone just now and someone phoned me at quarter after ten at night. At night!?! Don't I get to be 'off the clock' for at least a little while? It just so happens I was sleeping at 10:15 last night. Granted, it was on the couch, but the point remains.

There should be a maximum allowable time of day people are allowed to call you. Obviously there are exceptions, like if someone has exciting news, or something monumental happens. To just call for the sake of it, that late at night, is rude.

At least that's what I think. Anyone care to argue me?
Can someone explain to me why some days Blogger will load, and others it stalls out?

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Blog Question Of The Day:

If you were deciding the menu for a gourmet feast, which entree would be your lead selection?

a) chicken cordon bleu
b) pork tenderloin
c) prime rib of beef
d) rack of lamb
I fixed my VCR.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Thoughts about food. . .

I love Diet Orange Crush

What about ranch dressing makes it 'ranch'?
If you make a mistake doing whatever it is you were just doing, just say:

"I was trippin' balls when I did that"

Monday, August 22, 2005

We have crossed one more hurdle in the unstoppable march towards the purchase of a house. The funds for my down-payment were transferred into my account this afternoon. I have completed the last of my requirements to make this house purchase go. All that remains is for the seller to clear up their legal pronouncements, and we finally close the deal.

I am excited tonight!
Blog Question Of The Day:

Was Star Wars: Episode Three the best of the Star Wars movies?
Blog Recommendation Of The Day:

Don't try to watch Star Wars while you drive.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

A couple of things . . .

Why does serving Smirnoff Ice vodka drinks always make me crave 7-Up?

If my internet use practices are so unsafe, why is it that Trend Micro Housecall and Spybot Search & Destroy never find any problems with my system?