Saturday, April 05, 2008

Every time I see one of these young, pretty, very girly pop singers dancing around, singing into a pink, sparkly microphone, I can't help but think they look like they're singing into a sex toy.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Do you know what really grinds my gears?

I’m playing EA hockey on my Playstation Portable today at lunch. It took me a whopping 6 minutes to eat my sandwich, banana and granola bar, so I had time to kill. What’s easier to play in 20 minutes than a game of hockey? Nothing I could think of, so I fire up the game.

I set it to Edmonton versus Carolina. I believe that’s the default when you load it up, because they were the finalists from the version of the game that I own. I made the mistake of not flipping the teams to make Edmonton home. Thus I had to play the whole game going down the ice, instead of up, which I would prefer.

Despite that layout anomaly, I was owning the Hurricanes. It wasn’t even close. It was 17-5 in shots after two periods, and I had a 2-0 lead. They couldn’t even get over my blue-line to get a shot. I won the opening face-off of the third period, drove into their end, and after junking it up on the boards for awhile, I popped a third goal into their net. 3-0 for Edmonton, 18 minutes and changes to play. (I had it set for 5 minute (real-time) periods) So realistically, there wasn’t much game for them to make a come-back.

So the first thing that happens is on the ensuing face-off at center ice, the computer wins it, dekes past my centerman, and pops off a shot at the blue line, with a defenseman all over him. Guess what happens? Of course, he scores on that crummy shot. There is no way a professional goalie, even a bad one, gives up that goal in real life, in a real game, with 18 minutes and change to play. It just doesn’t happen.

Game resumes and I’m all over them again. I drive into their end like I have a dozen times already. But now I can’t get a shot to the net. They are blocking everything or tying up my wingers so I can’t get a one-timer off. So I’ll skate in, pass, and either get a weak shot, or no shot, and the puck ends up in the corner. They drive out, my defensemen knock them down at the blue-line, and the cycle repeats itself.

So we get to the 12 minute mark and they drive into my end. My defensemen are on them, and there’s no shot. Their guy passes it from beside the net, all the way back to the right defense. (I know, WTF!?!). My computer guy jumps on him right away. Nevertheless he gets off a weak shot from there, with a guy on him. Goalie misses it, now its 3-2. What In The F is going on!?!

Now I’m going hard on defense because it’s clear the game is rigged. I win face-offs, skate deep into my end, make them chase me, and then do a rush. It’s harder to deke in their end so I’m losing the puck a lot when I get there. So I start shooting. That’s a mistake. 3 minutes to go they get the puck on the right, pass to an open guy on the left. He shoots from just inside the blue line and they score again, on another piece of junk shot. Now its TIED!

I won’t bore you with the details. We go to over-time. They get the puck in my end. There is a huge pile in front of the goal. Their guy shoots the puck and it makes it over this mess and goes in the top corner. The physics of the shot were completely impossible. Nevertheless because the computer cheats I went from winning 3-0, to losing 4-3 in overtime.

It makes a guy want to quit gaming altogether. Maybe I should take up knitting.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Remember when I said I hated Windows Vista?

Add another couple hundred REALLY's to that.
Do you know what really grinds my gears?

Today is March 31. Its not July. The temperature was -2 C, with an overcast sky and a few sprinkles of snow coming down. It was not a hospitable day. You certainly wouldn't contemplate an outdoor activity for the sport of it.

I'm coming out of Zellers with my cat supplies and going in the opposite direction. He's got on shorts, and a shirt with the arms cut off. Frankly, it looked like he was on his way to a pick-up basketball game on some outdoor, asphalt court.

What the hell is everyone's hurry for it to be summer? Its cold and miserable out. Wear cold/miserable clothing. The world is not going to end if you don't wear shorts. Pants are a perfectly acceptable fashion choice.

So this asshole will go without proper clothing in the name of style and probably end up with a staph infection at some point. Stupidity usually knows no bounds. Then he'll be taken to a doctor with a fever and fits and they'll pump $600 worth of anti-biotics into him. The bill for that will end up on the desk of the local health region, which I am funding because I pay my taxes. So the result is, as it always is, that I gotta pay for this ass clown to be stupid.

Anyone got an idea when we're gonna get a clue about how we SHOULD be dealing with problems like this?

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Let me try to put this into perspective for everyone.









