Saturday, October 31, 2020

The Daily Affirmation (2020-10-31)

The Daily Affirmation

I made a really great improvement to my financial tracking spreadsheet.

My step total for the day managed to squeak over the 15,000 mark with mere seconds to spare this evening.

Act of Caring (2020-10-31)

Act of Caring 

It was too dark in the bedroom in the late afternoon so I took the opportunity to change one of the two lightbulbs, which was dead, in the overhead fixture.

The toilet needed a strong brush cleaning and I took care of that this afternoon.

La Connexion Francaise (2020-10-30)

La Connexion Francaise

contrecoup = back-up
tenter = try
mollet = calf
cambrer = arch
eternuer = sneeze
raz-de-marée = tsunami
auparavant = before
marécage = swamp
remous = swirl
arpenter = pace
patauger = wade

Dénombrement en française

Mon chat aime promenade à travers mon clavier.

Friday, October 30, 2020

The Daily Affirmation ... (2020-10-30)

The Daily Affirmation ... 

It is good to be home.

La Connexion Francaise (2020-10-30)

La Connexion Francaise

crue = flood
mare = pond
cousuer = sew

Dénombrement en française

C’est difficule ecrire dans le voiture.

Thursday, October 29, 2020

The Daily Affirmation ... (2020-10-29)

The Daily Affirmation ... 

I took a very pretty photo this evening.

La Connexion Francaise (2020-10-29)

La Connexion Francaise

corne = horn
berge = bank
tonnerre = thunder
mouler = mold
effrayer = scare
ivre = drunk
débrider = unleash
saigner = bleed
cramponner = cling
arbuste = shrub
rabougrir = stunt
accrocher = hook

Dénombrement en français

Chocolat est le poison à chiens.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

The Daily Affirmation ... (2020-10-28)

The Daily Affirmation ... 

I got to meet a hairless cat today and he let me pet him.

La Connexion Francaise (2020-10-28)

La Connexion Francaise

coûter = cost
combler = fill
falaise = cliff
fouiller = search
franchir = cross
boucle = loop
rugissement = roar

Dénombrement en français

Je ne sais pas quoi faire de cet mal de tête.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

The Daily Affirmation ... (2020-10-27)

The Daily Affirmation ...

I re-connected with my former psychiatrist/therapist and it was a rewarding session.

La Connexion Francaise (2020-10-27)

La Connexion Francaise

soigner = heal
caler = stall
pousser = push
bêlement = bleating
ravi = delighted
déprimant = depressing
cribler = screen
gui = mistletoe
poils = fur
puit = well

Dénombrement en français

Je vois de rien bizarre.

Monday, October 26, 2020

The Daily Affirmation ... (2020-10-26)

 The Daily Affirmation ...

The burritos for supper were excellent.

Today I Learned ... (2020-10-26)

Today I Learned ... 

Tom Brady was drafted by the Montreal Expos in 1995.

Blog Question Of The Day (2020-10-26)

Blog Question Of The Day

Could "Recents" on a Mac be any more useless?

La Connexion Francaise (2020-10-26)

La Connexion Francaise

souci = worry
marmite = cooking pot
brumeuse = misty
aiguillonner = goad
bourrasque = squall
congère = snowdrift
givrer = frost
remplir = fill up
bouger = move

Dénombrement en français

Je déteste ne connaître pas choses!

Sunday, October 25, 2020

The Daily Affirmation ... (2020-10-25)

The Daily Affirmation ... 

The new electric gloves provide excellent heat.

La Connexion Francaise (2020-10-25)

La Connexion Francaise

faiblard = weak
noyer = drown
amener = bring
méchoui = barbecue
bêlante = bleating
tir = shoot
chanceler = stagger

Dénombrement en français

Je suis en retard encore.