Thursday, February 12, 2009

Blog Question Of The Day:

If one was to pick up a street hooker, when she got into your car, would she put on a seat belt?
Blog Poll Of The Day?

Are you sick of Valentine's Day propoganda?

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Here is something I wrote while I was on vacation. I said it happened last night, but it was actually about two weeks ago now.

It felt pretty real because the dream was a lot like my actual working life is. In fact, I dreamt that I was at work.

The first part I remember clearly I was on a job site. To be specific, it was a mine. There was lot of dirt piled all over the place, and a huge pile of minerals off in the distance. What was kinda strange is that the part of the mine I was on seemed very new, and rather sparse. Usually mine sites have building crammed together (sort of) with not a lot of wasted space. Where I was there was only one huge building, built a lot like your average farm shop.

I went inside and there were guys working. A big guy, almost too big to be real, came over to me and started talking. They had a water treatment issue (obviously, or why would I be there) and they wanted to know what I could do for them.

What wasn’t so strange is that they were looking to me for help because my bosses (real one’s) had gotten in touch with these guys and said that we could work miracles. That’s not such an unusual thing. What made it weird is when I found out what they expected to do.

I didn’t really get the point of the problem at first. They explained that they wanted to run the mine waste through the water treatment equipment before discharging it. That’s not such an usual thing to suggest. However they kept going on about how difficult this was proving to be, and how other people had failed at the attempt before. At one point the big guy stopped in explaining the problem, and went into this story about a previous supplier that came in with these HUGE tanks, and absolutely massive pipes to connect to the feed system. Everything was in steel. He was talking about pipes that an ordinary man could walk inside. Now this was strange because the scale of things that I’m commonly doing is in the 4 inch or 6 inch as the largest pipe size. I’ve designed something with 12 inch pipe but we won’t be building it.

So the story goes on and everything seems more and more weird. They are talking about weird temperatures and absurdly small pressures and I start to get the feeling, is this ultra-filtration? Then they show me a piece of equipment that a previous supplier left behind and it looks a lot like an ultra-filtration module from GE Water. Or at least that’s what’s stamped on it, and its blue in color.
Then the big guy starts talking about temperatures of 3000 Kelvin and I almost dropped my lunch. That’s preposterous! You don’t treat water at that temperature. Its not even water then. They don’t want to treat water, he tells me, but molten potassium sulphate. Apparently the whole building I’m in is built over a storage pit where they have a massive amount of potassium sulphate, all in molten form at 3000 K. I honestly know next to nothing about potassium sulphate but this big guy assures me that if potassium sulphate is not kept under pressure, it immediately changes to a molten form that exists at 3000 K. I’m starting to get the idea that this is a dream now.

But for some strange reason I still make plans like I can treat this like water. The whole thing is getting clear now. They want me to put potassium sulphate, at 3000 K, through a reverse osmosis membrane, extract the water, so that they have pure potassium sulphate they can sell. But the craziest thing about this hare brained scheme is, I’m actually buying into it. I start thinking I can do this!
So I’m doing a bunch of research and looking up different membranes. I’m trying to find something that would be resistant to the temperatures they are talking about, or coming up with a way to re-pressurize the molten potassium sulphate.

The last thing I remember is the floor to the building starts to come away from the foundation and I see this molten potassium sulphate burbling in the reservoir under the building. I’m shocked about this but no one else seems to even worry about it. I drive away still thinking of ways to treat this scenario, while the building collapses into the reservoir.

Monday, February 09, 2009

All it takes to realize that Miley Cyrus has no talent and deserves to go no where, is to have her try to perform a duet with Taylor Swift.