Friday, December 20, 2002

I must not be sleeping well. I had another vivid dream last night that I could still remember when I woke up. That says to me that I'm sleeping fairly close to consciousness. I went to bed at a reasonable hour, 11:15, and stayed there until 7:52. I'm having a lot of trouble getting up in the morning. Even more than usual. I can't decide if its just because of the time of year, and no hint of sunlight when I need to get up, or if its something more sinister I'm hoping its just seasonal.

I was going to tell you all about my dream. It was a fairly vivid dream, with a good, cohesive story to it. It was like a movie. I wish there was a way to capture dreams and replay them for others as movies. If someone could invent that they would make a fortune. Maybe I should bend all of my considerable talents towards developing this invention. Or maybe I should just play more video games.

I was going to describe the dream for you. Of course that was 2-1/2 hours ago when it was still real fresh in my mind. I've forgotten all of the really important stuff that pinned the dream together and is necessary for it to make sense to all of you. The random images that I can pull from mind, still make sense to me, but I don't have enough of my dream in my head anymore to describe it to you. If I did, I'd be making up new stuff to fill in the gaps and that doesn't really suit the purpose I intended.

I'm disappointed I can't describe it for you. It was a really good movie. It was entertaining. It started out much different from how it ended. It began as a bank heist. I, as a character not as me, was helping this guy that looked like Drew Carey, rob a bank that somehow was situated in Central Butte school. The grade nine room specifically. That melted into a dream where me, and now a character played by Jason Lee, were evading the police who didn't really know we'd been responsible for the bank heist, but there was one detective that had strong suspicions and was on us like flies on honey. That went on for awhile and then the dream morphed again and there was another new character, a girl this time. She was kinda of like Tyra Banks, or Beyonce Knowles but not completely. I suppose it was a composite of attractive, exotic women. The detectives that were chasing us weren't regular cops but a group of people huntiing supernaturally talented people, like me, Jason Lee, and the exotic girl (I forget her name). To evade them we went back in time. My character kind of lost his sanity, and started doing all kinds of impossible things (which were possible given his mental abilities) and the girl character was hunting me down to send me back. She turned from an ally to a friend character trying to save the people of this time frame. This part of the dream was really good but I can't nail down any details for you. It was a chase type dream, with all these people out to capture me, and return me to my own time, with me evading them while simultaneously losing more and more of my sanity. In the end I got away.

I apologize for having lost the details. I should have written this dream down earlier. But I got to work and my keyboard wasn't working, so I fussed with that. Then I wanted to finish a set of drawings so that we can go into production on the unit over Christmas and maybe ship the unit out early in the new year. Then I got back to chasing phone calls on the big project I'm doing. All of this combined to put me behind schedule on documenting my dream. Thus I forgot the details. :-( Again, my apologies.

I hope everyone is having a super fantastic day. Toodles!

Thursday, December 19, 2002

So I listened to the new Sum 41 album today. All in all I didn't mind it. The music is the type that I like. If I had a complaint after a single listen, I'd say that all the songs sound the same. Which is to be expected, I suppose. I guess songs by the same artist would be the same. That's not really what I noticed though. I had the album playing in the background while I worked. It got to the end and I didn't even realize that the first song had ended. It was like one, great, big long song. I suppose that could be attributed to my focusing on my work but I have trouble with that theory. There is way too much on my mind right now for me to concentrate on anything. Turmoil surrounds me. Which kind of sucks because I don't thrive in turmoil. I actually tend to sink in it, like a stone sinking in quicksand. The Christmas break can not get here too soon for me. I won't go into the whole sordid story in this very public forum because frankly, its not the right venue for that. But I will be so glad when I can get back to Saskatoon, sleep in my familiar room, and forget about everything


Wednesday, December 18, 2002

Sorry about yesterday. I just didn't get around to typing anything in here. I didn't really have anything to say either, which is part of why there was no entry. Another day of pounding at the project. Then I went home, late, and had to fix a computer. I was only online for a couple of hours and totally forgot about my plan to add a blurb to this blog. You didn't miss anything. I was zoned out yesterday.

Does anyone remember the old cartoons they used to show on CBC and CTV on Saturday mornings? For some reason I have those shows in my head this morning. The theme song from that cheesy 'Wizard of Oz' cartoon is repeating in my head. I could sing the whole thing for you right now.

The World of Oz is a very funny place,
Where everyone makes a funny, funny face.
All the streets are paved with gold,
And no one ever grows old,
In that funny place of the Wizard of Oz!

This is why I can't get ahead in life. I always have stupid, useless stuff rattling around in my head. Its a serious problem. I think I need professional help.

I also think about the Smurfs. Tara and I talk about the Smurfs occasionally. She actually still gets the show on some channel, on her TV. I miss the Smurfs. Now there was a quality program. The early ones. When they started doing time machines and stuff it got stupid and I quit watching. The classic battles between the Smurfs and Gargamel were very entertaining though. I should try and find my stuffed Smurf doll and put him on my desk with my other toys. My desktop is a real toy box. :-)

How about that Frankenstein show that would come on really early? The exact name of that one escapes me right now. It was a live action show, and not a cartoon. It was cheesy as hell but I still got up at 6:00 in the morning to watch it. Am I alone in this?

You know what? When I was about 6, I wrote a letter to CKCK TV in Regina, asking them about their cartoon line-up. I'd go to Osler to visit my cousins and they had Bugs Bunny, and back home in Coronach all we got was stupid, crappy cartoons that I didn't enjoy half as much. So I wrote them a letter asking them what was up and why couldn't they get the cool cartoons like they had in Saskatoon. I actually got a reply, which I had for the longest of time. They had a plan for a new cartoon lineup which would be announced soon. Not long after we started getting the Smurfs, and other shows. We never did get Bugs Bunny but at least the cartoons did improve.


Monday, December 16, 2002

There will be no entry today full of frivolity and merriment. I am in the office, in the evening, again. We got our shop drawings back this afternoon, and after a frustrating several hours of reviewing them, I'm back at the process of trying to fix what is wrong. Some points were good, and we were in error. Those have been fixed, for the most part. Some on the other hand were farcical. How do you install a screwplug heater? Hhhhmmmm, I don't know, perhaps you SCREW IT IN!!?!!?!! Its that kind of insanity that is giving me a permanent, stress induced, migraine. It would not hurt my feelings at all if something large and heavy fell on certain people. In fact, I'm saying a silent prayer for it. I am so looking forward to the next GameFest. I will definitely be playing on whatever team lets me kill Russians.

From my office, I remain. Toodles.