Saturday, May 09, 2020

The Daily Affirmation (2020-05-09)

The Daily Affirmation 

I won both of my games of hockey on the PS4 this afternoon.

La Connexion Francaise (2020-05-09)

La Connexion Francaise

asperger = sprinkle
semer = sow
haie = hedge
pèlerin = pilgrim
savant = learned
étayer = support
appuyer = press
navire = ship
epaver = wreck
gésir = lie
tempêter = storm
surgir = arise

Dénombrement en français

Je suis heureux que ma sac de couchage est réparé.

Friday, May 08, 2020

Today I Learned . . . (2020-05-08)

Today I Learned . . . 

I am much better at Madden 20 than I am NHL 20.

The Daily Affirmation (2020-05-08)

The Daily Affirmation

My Mom fixed the zipper on my sleeping bag this afternoon.

La Connexion Francaise (2020-05-08)

La Connexion Francaise

tombeau = tomb
ceux = those
chauffard = road hog
cheville = ankle
démarrer = start
trombe = downpour
louvoyer = sway
piéton = pedestrian
renverser = overturn
franchir = cross
au pont = on the bridge
siège = seat
fourgon = van
errance = wandering

Dénombrement en français

Mes allergies me frappent le cul.

Thursday, May 07, 2020

The Daily Affirmation (2020-05-07)

The Daily Affirmation 

Zoe looks so cute in her summer hair cut and she was a perfect little girl for me in the trip to and from the groomers on the other side of town.

La Connexion Francaise (2020-05-07)

La Connexion Francaise

aboutissement = outcome
reculer = back off
sourde = deaf
appuyer = press
carrure = middle
chantier = construction site
chevroter = hug
nouer = tie

Dénombrement en français

J'ai dit je n'allais pas m'énerver.  Je suis énerver.

Wednesday, May 06, 2020

Blog Question Of The Day (2020-05-06)

Blog Question Of The Day

Do I need a sound system for my Playstation?

The Daily Affirmation (2020-05-06)

The Daily Affirmation

I am good at Madden.

La Connexion Francaise (2020-05-06)

La Connexion Francaise

saisissement = seizure
lâcher = let go
écraser = crush
témoin = witness
vacarme = uproar
débrouiller = unravel
frisson = thrill
clarter = splash
foncer = go for it
piège = trap
au courant = aware
figer = freeze
quiconque = anyone
mordre = bite
hameçon = fishing hook

Dénombrement en français

Je suis de mauvaise humeur.

Tuesday, May 05, 2020

The Daily Affirmation (2020-05-05)

The Daily Affirmation 

The hot tub is very soothing.

La Connexion Francaise (2020-05-05)

La Connexion Francaise

trahisser = betray
craigner = fear
courte = short
barbe = beard
calotte = cap
bredouille = empty-handed
tenter = try
promettre = promise
échelle = ladder

Dénombrement en français

Ma jour me partir bredouille.

Act of Caring (2020-05-05)

Act of Caring

I bought the parts and fashioned a proper fix of the cushion on my weight bench this afternoon.

Monday, May 04, 2020

The Daily Affirmation (2020-05-04)

The Daily Affirmation 

On Star Wars Day I watched Episode 7,8,9 and almost finished building my Lego Porg.

10th consecutive day of 15,000+ steps.

La Connexion Francaise (2020-05-04)

La Connexion Francaise

trôner = enthrone
pelure = peel
étouffer = choke
jupette = skirt
cueillir = gather

Dénombrement en français

Je ne sens pas bien.  Je ne sais pas pourquoi.

Sunday, May 03, 2020

Today I Learned . . . (2020-05-03)

Today I Learned . . .

In Madden 20, don't blitz Aaron Rodgers.

The Daily Affirmation (2019-05-03)

The Daily Affirmation

Supper at my sister's was great.

I squeaked out a second sack with less than a minute to go to win another 2 sack challenge in Madden Ultimate Teams.

La Connexion Francaise (2020-05-03)

La Connexion Francaise

frapper = hit
vieilleries = junk
rassis = stale
tournevis = screwdriver
faucher = mow
revanche = revenge
acajou = mahogany
effrayante = scary
emmener = bring
écureuil = squirrel

Dénombrement en français

Je meurs d'allergies saisonnières.