Saturday, April 14, 2012

Today I Learned . . .

1. Beer bottles are re-used 15-20 times before they are recycled
Blog Question(s) Of The Day

1. Why is everyone in a playoff hockey draft but me?

2. Is it Over-reaching to be searching dating site profiles for soccer players?

Friday, April 13, 2012

Blog Question(s) Of The Day

1. Should I try running road races?
The Daily Affirmation

1. At approximately 1 PM this afternoon, my new super-powered iMac was delivered by Fed Ex.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Today I Learned. . .

1. Ron McLean has the same birthday as me
Blog Question(s) Of The Day:

1. Is it achievable, from the make-up of my psychology, to phase out the practice of talking to myself?

2. What song most passionately tells your story, of deeply held longing that was always denied?

3. Can I set up a custom tournament in NHL 12 that would feature only the teams that didn't make the "real" playoffs to find out who would be the best (of the worst)?
This is a story that I don't think will occur again for some time.

We were heading downtown for lunch, heading south on Idylwyld Drive. It was a fairly normal day; traffic was not particularly troubling. We got to the corner of 22nd Street and Idylwyld Drive, and it was still 5 to 12. Everything looked good to be one time at the Vietnamese restaurant for lunch.

We were behind a red pickup truck in the left turn lane, from Idylwyld onto 22nd Street. It is noon, and this is a hectic intersection, so I thought little of the fact that we didn't progress any on the light cycle. I assumed someone at the head of the line is just really timid on the left turn.

Then another light cycle came and went and we didn't move again. Now I am thinking, what the hell?!? I start looking around, to see if I can see past the truck. Or staring intently at the driver's mirror, to see if I can figure out, what the hell??

Another light cycle has now passed. We are not moving. Mark and I are now talking about what the possible circumstances are. The inevitability of death is mentioned as an option. People behind us are getting out of their vehicles now, to see what is going on. Others, more impatient, are pulling out, going in the right lane, and slipping back in, in front of the red truck. There is a ton of scowling going on amongst everyone.

We're stuck, as the vehicle directly behind the red truck. He's not moving, so we're not moving. If they are far enough back, people behind us are making the move go to around. I really don't even have that as an option because everyone else is blocking my access into the right lane.

Finally Mark has had enough and he wants to know what's going on. Even if that means finding a dead man stalled in the left lane of Idylwyld. Just as he opens the door, the man starts to attention in his truck. I notice him shake his head once, and then he begins to drive ahead slowly. He gets to the light, which is green, and he motors through, off towards who knows where.

We dumbfoundedly make the left turn onto 22nd Street, still marvelling at the man who fell asleep at the stop light.
The Daily Affirmation:

1. Today's Vietnamese lunch was fantastic.

2. The last of my book order achieved Shipped status

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Blog Question(s) Of The Day:

1. Can you effect government policy in a significant way, without being an elected official yourself?
The Daily Affirmation

1. Another of my book orders has shipped.

2. I got back the two ball players back that I thought I lost.

3. My iMac shipped!!!

4. My second NHL playoffs pick, Nashville Predators, won their first game

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Blog Question(s) Of The Day:

1. How come fast food restaurants don't give out commemorative movie themed glasses anymore?
Today I Learned . . .

1. The basic story of the show can be traced back to Jerry Elijah Rushing, an actual moonshiner in North Carolina. At the age of 12, he began making deliveries, eventually using a modified 1958 Chrysler 300D for the job. The car, named “Traveller” after General Lee’s horse, was rigged to dump oil on the road to impair law enforcement vehicles in pursuit. Rushing was often joined by his brother Johnny, and sometimes by his female cousin Delane. But they just delivered the moonshine, which was actually made by Rushing’s Uncle Worley. Rushing eventually left the business and became an accomplished hunter, especially with a bow. His stories about his adventures inspired the 1975 movie Moonrunners, which in turn led to The Dukes of Hazzard.

2. Johnny Cash wrote a song about the car from the Dukes of Hazzard
The Daily Affirmation

1. After reading Facebook for the night I have come to realize that I truly need a fortunate existence. There is nothing I have any reason to complain about.

Monday, April 09, 2012

The Daily Affirmation:

1. Both my book order, and my computer memory order, progressed to shipping status today
Today I Learned. . .

1. NAMUR is the abbreviation for "Normenarbeitsgemeinschaft für Meß- und Regeltechnik der chemischen Industrie"
Blog Question(s) Of The Day:

1. Should I work with my door closed?

Sunday, April 08, 2012

Today I Learned . . .

1. The Lamaze technique, often referred to as Lamaze, is a prepared childbirth technique developed in the 1940s by French obstetrician Dr. Fernand Lamaze as an alternative to the use of medical intervention during childbirth.
Blog Question(s) Of The Day:

1. Is my mistake in not wanting to be at the centre of everything?

2. Does anyone notice who I am, where my goals are, and what I'm trying to accomplish?

3. Should I make myself a cake on my birthday?
The Daily Affirmation

1. I ate an amazing meal tonight, in celebration of Easter/my nephew Grayson's birthday/my birthday

2. Received a very thoughtful present from my family for my birthday