Friday, April 18, 2003

The Vancouver Canucks won their hockey game tonight. They looked pretty good doing it. There is renewed hope in their chances for the playoffs. We'll see how things go tomorrow for our Canadians.

What is the deal with Wal-Mart!?!

I don't get it. Wal-Mart was just INSANE this afternoon. Candace needed a new fish tank for her fish, as the other one broke along the side. We checked Petland and they had none that were compatible with her existing tank hardware, so we go to Wal-Mart. It was retarded with people! It was like half the population of Saskatoon was in there. And the not so desirable half either. It was enough to make you feel uncomfortable. Actually, it made me a lot uncomfortable. I don't like people at the best of times and here were all these wooly people, crawling all over each other for the supposed deals available at Wal-Mart. You don't really wanna get me started on Wal-Mart's pricing policy but suffice it to say, there is no deal at Wal-Mart worthy of the type of insanity I saw in that place today.

And what was the deal with the girl with purple hair, a white face, and more metal in her face than a fisherman has tackle in his tacklebox!?!


Thursday, April 17, 2003

Reflections on a Thursday:

I am the MASTER of hyperbole!

I don't like SGI adjusters.

Highway 55 past Carrot River sucks goat butt.

The Pas is a grubby place and I don't want to live there.

Prices for things really vary, depending on where you buy them.

Garmin Mapsource software is not always accurate.

That is all. Toodles!

Wednesday, April 16, 2003

Sometimes you just can't win. No matter how hard you try, or what you do, good fortune eludes you at every grasp.

My deep freeze died. It had to have happened since Monday morning because I remember putting stuff in there, when I re-organized my food to add the stuff my mom sent me this week. So it died after that. I'm wondering if it happened when I was monkeying around with it, when I was installing those table legs. I rolled it around, I remembe that much. I fussed with the plug this afternoon but it didn't seem to want to fire up or anything. I'm guessing the pump on it went kaplooey.

So my next question becomes, what do I do now? I can't get my mother on the phone because they've left one off the hook somewhere, and don't realize it. I have trouble believing she could have been talking on the phone for 90 minutes over the lunch hour, and into the afternoon. It always rings busy when I call. I would like to get a second opinion on what I should do now.

I'm not even pissed off. I'm mostly sad or disappointed. I didn't need another situation to work on. I'm trying to put things in order. I need a stretch of good luck, or at worst, luck without connotation. I didn't need bad. ...sigh... Maybe I'll just not replace the deep freeze. I suppose that's an option. I would like a $100 deep freeze to replace it, not the $400 I looked up in the Sears catalog.

Oh well. Life sucks, wear a rutabaga.


Tuesday, April 15, 2003

I committed the ultimate sin today, and paid the ultimate price. And its not like this hasn't happened to me before, for me to have not learned. I have done this before but I never learn. Its quite sad.

I didn't save my work. I did a drawing this morning, and just left it on the screen. I never did commit it to disk. I even went so far as to send the unsaved one to a consultant, in error. Then, when I went to do another drawing in the afternoon, I closed and said no to saving, thus losing all the work I'd done in the morning.

I never learn. I get lacksadaisical about it because AutoCAD is so annoying with save messages. i start ignoring them all the time and say no. Then I get burned like this. I was hopping mad this afternoon.


Why is it that the ugliest cars have the biggest, most powerful stereos?
I have a problem. Perhaps its symptomatic of my psychosis but, I keep hearing the 'you have mail' beep that Outlook Express makes when you get email, but I'm not actually recieving any email. Apparently the sound is a figament of my imagination. Should I be concerned?


Monday, April 14, 2003

Its been a wild day!

Lots happening, while nothing happened. Ever have one of those days? I didn't so much chase my tail but, after all my efforts, not much got done. I wrote two section in my bi-annual engineering experience report. I'm laying it on REAL THICK about how important I am at my job. A lot of it is hyperbole but this sodhumpuers that are in charge of deciding my fate seem to need to be impressed so, I'll impressed them. I''ll write a report the likes of which I've never managed before. Half will be hyperbole, the other an extension of the truth. The reality is, NO ONE is so integral to their job that things could not progress without them. Engineers seem to have a pumped up opinion of themselves so I'll play the game and make myself sound like the next best thing to god. Maybe it'll help.

One good thing to happen was, I finally got the wireless ethernet to the shop working. That was an impressive engineering feat, and proof positive that if you throw enough money at something, you can fix it. Two wireless antennas, some low loss cables, and probably $1000 and we have wireless ethernet halfway across time. Result? They can surf the internet but its virtually unusable for the accounting program, because the accounting program is a pig. A bad design decision, from our standpoint, makes our current program ineffective, especially through the wireless ethernet. On the up side, the connection itself is stable and strong so I think that particular nemesis has been vanquished.

I had a dream last night. It was about Melissa. We were back in the Dominican Republic, and I convinced her to come stay out in the slum area. We didn't have a room though, and were staying in one of those barn shaped garden sheds. The beds were two rickety cot like contraptions with a mattress thrown over top. It was a weird dream.
