Friday, September 19, 2003

I miss Sean. Its kind of depressing to constantly check his blog and never see an entry.
Okay people, its time for a rant.

Do you know what pisses me off? These people that come on the internet to chat, but then forget who they're talking to. That really gets on my nerves. You'll be having a conversation with them, and after 3 minutes they'll say, who is this? Who is this!?! You started talking to me? Why the hell do I have to explain myself to you now!?! Or, and this is maybe even worse, they ask you the 'who are you' question, and then proceed to ask you a series of questions, basic ones, that they've already asked you once before. Are you that scatterbrained that you can't remember a few basic facts? Am I alone here? Is this a deep, dank forest to which I alone know the path through!?!


Just something that was on my mind. Toodles.

Thursday, September 18, 2003

The shifting sands of life, and love, can be mournfully depressing.

Its hard when the feelings that once existed, are now dissipated. You're left with what you feel remaining, but its sad and withered, faded by the passage of too much time. The emotion is still there, in all its intensity. But a chasm exists between what is, and what was. The situation is not the same as when it bloomed. You look across this void and see what you did. But you see the shadow cast, and not the image you desire. That which you desire has passed on to some other state of existence, where you will only touch it in the briefest of moments.

Maybe it can be re-captured. Perhaps feelings that once burned bright as the sun, can re-ignite in a moment that seems to be missing something integral. But it can feel like you have to re-learn truths that used to be simple. Moments that had been accepted as gospel, are now noted as remarkable. How can something that was perfect, fall back into question?

Life changes, it evolves, it makes new things from the old. Perhaps that's all that I've seen. The new that will grow, may be better than the old I lament. I wish it to be true.

Here I shall remain.

Wednesday, September 17, 2003

I've found my show! This is freakin' hilarious!

I'm watching 'Newlyweds: Jessica and Nick' This is so much fun. Normally I don't like reality shows but I can't help but laugh at this. I dunno how much is real and how much is acting but who cares.

Jessica buys lingerie and doesn't look at the bill until she leaves and its $750. So what does she do? She calls Nick.

They blur a dancer's ass.

They bleep the word 'dick'.

Jessica almost cries, numerous times, as she watches the sexy dancers cavort around her husband.

She is such a priss, and so painfully insecure. I gotta wonder if some of it is playing for the cameras because its so obvious. But what is with the bleeping and the blurs. You can't be rude on MTV? When the hell did that start!?!

You know what I hate about having multiple computers? When I'm logged into MSN on one, and then when I turn on another one, it logs me in there, and logs me off where I wanna be. It happened at lunch. I turn the 'Out To Lunch' flag on my MSN when I leave because I watch cartoons at lunch at home. But I had to email myself something, so I turned my computer on at home. Opening Outlook Express automatically fires up MSN. I tried to cancel it ahead of time but it didn't work, and it logged me out at work. I didn't log in at home, because I cancelled it. In the meantime Tara had messaged me on MSN.

I hate when it does that. I seem like I'm being rude when its just coincidence. I hope nobody thinks I'm ignoring them when something like that happens.

Toodles everyone!
WARNING!!! If you have a weak stomach you may not want to read the following blog entry. WARNING!!!

Grant's Cast Removal

It started well. Showed up, on time. Forgot my extra sock and shoe so I had to go back to the truck and get it. The temperature is a little too chilly to be barefooting it across the parking lot. I was the only one in the waiting room so I got in almost right away. It was only 10 minutes from when I showed up until I saw the doctor. A few minutes of chit chat; 'how's have you been', 'any pain', etc. Everything was good so it was cast removal time!!!

Had a really good nurse for the cast removal. It was obvious she'd done this many times before because she had a procedure and knew exactly what she wanted to do. First she opened the cast along the inside, coming from the foot to the ankle, and then from the knee to the ankle. She had some trouble on this side with the cast material right at the ankle. It didn't want to cut all the through. But the nurse was very thorough and this was eventually remedied. Then she moved to the other side, and made a similar set of slices on the outside of the cast. With much less difficulty she opened this side, and now my foot was no longer encased.

I'd caught a whiff of it, from time to time, over the past week or two. I knew it wasn't going to be pretty when we got inside. The nurse took some scissors and cut the guaze material that lay between my skin, and the fibreglass wrap material. One blast of it hit me when she got to the ankle, as she cut from my toes. I braced myself, and she must have too, because she didn't flinch as she cut the guaze. As the last slice was made she put away the scissors and pried the cast apart. My foot was free! I gingerly pulled it from the material that had surrounded me almost continuously for the last 7 weeks.

It was awful! Truly heinous. I knew it would be but even that didn't prepare me from what I saw. And smelled. The smell wasn't as overpowering as I expected. It was the same lingering thing I'd gotten a whiff off for a couple of weeks. But it was bad. As I attempted to pull my foot from the cast material, the gauze stuck to my skin. Not that weak, clingy feeling of a wet sock, but the bound on, glued to the surface feeling of pulling away melted plastic. It actually came loose with an audible smack. Like I've already said, the odor was offensive. It wasn't as powerful as I suspected, but the odor was distinct, and vicious. I can't even put a description to it, because it was bad in a way I've been unable to properly decide for myself. Can you remember in your head that smell you get in the theatre, with the popcorn and the little trays of nachos. How it smells hot, and richly inviting? Well imagine that smell again, but consider the heat was making it smell bad, and not good. That's an approximation of what this is like.

So she pulls the cast away, as the last of my skin becomes unglued to the gauze. I get a brief look at the inside of the cast and the view is nauseating. The inside of the cast, around my foot and up past the ankle, is all brownish-orange with stale perspiration. It looks like ear wax, spread literally along the inside of the gauze. It was sickening to look at. I turned my eyes away from the cast, and aimed them at the foot. I was looking for evidence of this same orange buildup on my skin. I couldn't see it there, which was a blessing. I assume it must have come off with the bonding of my foot to gauze.

I stepped down on the floor and walked around. It felt oddly peculiar. It was like my foot was on air. I couldn't really feel the ground under my toes. It felt similar to when your foot is asleep, but without the heavy, leaden sensation that goes along with that. Rather it was the opposite, a feeling of extreme lightness. I walked around in a few circles, trying to get used to the feeling. It didn't go away, but lingered. I also noticed the stiffness in my Achilles tendon, and around my ankle. Lack of mobility had made me stiff, and there was some discomfort but nothing I'd call pain. Rather, the whole sensation was one of relief.

The nurse prepared some wash facilities for me, and I bathed my foot. I was again brought witness to the ugliness that had grown beneath the fibreglass. As I swabbed my foot with the milk white cloth, it came away from my skin with ugly stains of orange, yellow and brown. I frequently had to rinse the terry cloth so that I didn't embarass myself with the ugly stains I was leaving behind. Soap helped, and the warm water felt good. After many minutes of scrubbing, I actually felt relatively clean.

As I completed my scrubbing, and went for another couple circles of the floor, the doctor came in. He examined my foot, and pressured various points. Nothing was painful. I was given the go ahead. With a shake of his hand, my broken foot experience was over, and I exited the building, laughter in my heart.


Tuesday, September 16, 2003

I just noticed something new in the movie, Not Another Teen Movie. At the end, when Janie Briggs has left the prom, and Jake has realized he loved her, and is chasing after her. Well, before that happens the weirdo Ricky stops him and they have a civil argument about who loves Janie more. Then they start racing down the street after her. (forgive me the long windup)

Anyway, they're running down the street and get to a street corner. Jake sprints across without issue but no one will stop for Ricky. If you read the name on the store window, of the shop on the corner, you'll notice that its called 'Spicoli's'
Why are Subway restuarants called Subway?
I gotta be careful. Lately I've been feeling tired so I go home and lie down on the couch. It was so comfortable today. I didn't want to get up. That might have something to do with the fact that the temperature in my house is about 12 C and it was nice and warm under that blanket. I should probably turn the heat up. But I do like it a little on the chilly side. And its not just warm, but cozy too, underneath a blanket. Oh decisions!


Monday, September 15, 2003

Second Blogger survey question of the day.

Do you think I would make a good Jedi?

Address is above. Send your vote and comments.
I am officially pissed off again.

What is wrong with AutoCAD? I mean, you set the stupid thing up to AutoSave your drawing for you, because you know you're careless, and don't always remember to save. But does AutSave do anything? No! Its completely useless. AutoCAD fails on me and boots me out. But before it does it gives me a, do you wanna save, box. So I say yes. Where's my saved drawing? I don't know. I don't think the computer knows either. AARRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!!! This is so frustrating. Why can't things just work? That's all I wanna know. What can't stuff just work?


Today's Blogger survey question of the day.

Do you think I would make a good Amish person?

Address is above. Send your vote and comments.