Friday, May 11, 2007

I did something stupid today. I drove into the gas station, parked it and got out. Only then did I discover that I was parked with my gas door on the wrong side.

Why is it that the location of the gas door not a standard feature on automobiles? Or, at the very least, that it can always be found on the same side? This is just stupid. I had a Chevrolet Trailblazer and it was on the driver's side. Now I have a Chevrolet Equinox and its on the passenger side.

This doesn't seem like it should be rocket surgery. Gas door is always on the left. Or the right. I don't care where they decide to put it. I just care that it should always be on the same side. I shouldn't have to think about this. The location of the gas door should be so predictable that its mere instinct to drive up to the pumps. It should be just like it was today. Drive up, park it, get out and start pumping. There shouldn't be that sheepish, oh crap moment when you have to back up and pull in to the other side.

Auto-makers - get on it!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

I wish I could tell you I haven't blogged because I was doing something. I wish I could do that but I can't. I was doing something boring.

I was drafting.

I spent the week creating an intricately detailed 3D AutoCAD model of a unit we're going to construct for an upcoming project. It took me three full days. I did nothing but draft and sleep.

But now its donee. And oddly I feel a little hollow.

If you need me, I'll be here.