Thursday, September 29, 2005

I just finished watching the movie 'Deliverance'. I'm going to be honest. I didn't get it. It was so unexciting. It lasts two hours but nothing happens. I think you're supposed to be captivated by the moral dilemma brought forth by what these guys experience but it seems pretty clear-cut to me.

Arrogant city guys go into a backwater county and meet mountain folk. Naturally there's a culture shock.

Stereotype prevails and unlettered mountain ruffians violate a pair of the protagonists.

Revenge ensues.

The movie ends about the way you expect.

Why did it have to take two hours? And what was with the last half hour especially? There was nothing to this movie. Like I said, I think you're supposed to be drawn into the moral question posed by the killings. I guess I'm a little too much from the 'do unto others' school of thought. You mess me up, and I'll return the favor. I think the mountain men deserved it.
Blog Exclamation Of The Day:

Stück Scheiße!!!

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Have you ever noticed how the floor gets dirty, even in parts of the house you never use?

I swept the floor today. It needed it. But what I found remarkable was, how much stuff was on the floor in parts of the room I don't use. Take for instance under the table. I don't use my kitchen table. Ever. Its mostly just a place to dump bills and such correspondence and as a place for my mobile recharging station. (I have a power bar dedicated to recharging batteries or things with batteries) There was so many crumbs and grit and such under there. How did that happen? I never use that space.

Isn't this just the most inane blog entry of all time?

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

I really don't get this. I just finished watching 'Back In' on MuchMoreMusic. They were doing 1992. As they close the episode we learn that Pearl Jam's 'Jeremy' was the number one video of 1992. We also learn that Billy Ray Cyrus' Achy Breaky Heart is the number one WORST video of 1992. (I don't disagree)

Here's what I don't get. As the credit roll we have to be subjected to Billy Ray Cyrus' song. WHY!?! You have the opportunity to play a classic Pearl Jam song and instead you play THAT!?!

There are some messed up people in entertainment programming.

Monday, September 26, 2005


One girl - must like going to the movies
I've got a sty in my eye.

Can someone explain to me how this happens? Every so often I just end up with one. I read the definition of sty on the internet, and what causes it but frankly, neither one was very helpful. I'm still here with this damn thing poking me in the eyeball, and without a way to get rid of it.

Now if things stay true to normal, it will be gone soon. Which I suppose I should just take comfort in, and stop worrying about it. Nonetheless I'm curious about what I could possibly do to avoid this discomfort at a later time.
