Friday, July 01, 2005

Blog Question Of The Day:

IF you were to have a super-power, what would you want it to be?

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Blog Interesting Factoid:

At 4:08 in the afternoon, I finally got around to turning on my MP3's. I have not listened to a recorded song since Tuesday afternoon.
I must confess that today has been one of much confusion and considerable introspection. I'm not exactly sure how to process the various thoughts that are swirling around in my brain.

The salesman finally got his walking papers today. Which I am okay with, because about the only thing he was really accomplishing was pissing people off. He'd chased my boss right out of his own office, and had everyone in this organization on high alert, at all times.

However, what I blanche at is the almost giddy glee that has followed his exodus. I can understand some smug self-satisfaction in seeing a hated enemy be vanquished and sent packing. I can accept a little extra curl to the smile that should adorn your face every day. But I think exultant joyfulness is over the top. You hated the guy; the point is taken. But keep in mind, someone just got fired. Their entire world was turned upside down in the span of a few minutes. Be happy he is gone but do not rejoice the event. It is not wine and roses for everyone.

Now I wonder if I'm psychic, because I had a very peculiar dream last night, that would tie into what has happened today. I dreamed that I was starting my first day on the job with a new company. However, it wasn't a new company at all. It was one that had employed me not so many years ago, and sent me packing with all the grace and civility that was afforded our salesman today. The dream was surreal because of this fact. I could not get myself to understand why I would sign back on with these jerks.

It had some other odd moments to it. One, Saskatoon was this traffic-snarled metropolis that I did not know how to manuever. I haven't been scared to drive in Saskatoon since I was 16 years old. And those of you that know me, are aware that point in time is WAY back in the mist. I couldn't find a place to park, so I put it down by a meter on the street. Then I went inside to get parking instruction for the underground parkade and was met by the full force of a Government of Canada terror alert security process. I won't go into the details because they are mindless and boring, but it was security check after security check. For some reason the company I'd just signed on with, had leased office space in a Goverment of Canada building.

Some random weirdness from the dream:

- My old boss, who became my new boss again, and about a dozen earrings in each ear. This included one giant, pirate buccaneer gold one, in each ear.

- All the computers had very small, LCD monitors, maybe 7" in width. But each desk was also equipped with a large plasma TV, to which the computer could be linked.

- The computers were Apple Macintosh machines, running the OS X - Jaguar operating system.

- There was a screw-up with someone's sound and we had rap/metal going for awhile in the office

- No one had offices, it was just a rabbit's warren of desks and book shelves that separated work environments.

It makes me question the concept of clairvoyance though. To dream about things that hadn't touched my last since I was summarily dismissed so many years ago. And have this happen the night before the termination of someone else who was reviled in the organization. The parallels must make you consider some exotic concepts.

Am I wrong?

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Blog Question Of The Day:

Do they make oscillating fans that have remote control units?

Monday, June 27, 2005

I burped.

It had flavor.

I was unimpressed.
Blog Question Of The Day:

What is my explanation for my slightly creepy fascination with teen comedies?