Thursday, October 23, 2003

The provincial election came to Watson this afternoon. My boss was pretty excited, because the party that came to visit our company is the one he's really in favor of. I, on the hand, don't really have much use for their policies. I see a string of bad ideas taking over if they get elected. They won't all be bad, but the general slant I'm seeing from them does not really impress me.

So we all rally at the production shop to show off what we do. It was kind of anti-climactic, to be perfectly honest. The politicians and the media came in, my boss said a few words, and they had some water. I won't say it was a waste, but I really didn't think it was really worth the effort that was expended on it. If I knew that my bosses issues were the issues of this party, I might have cared a little more. The whole thing seemed high on appearance, and low on merit.

So my afternoon was interrupted and I'll probably not get done. I hate that.

Wednesday, October 22, 2003

Welcome to the weekly report on Newlyweds: Nick & Jessica!

Good episode this week. The highlight? The absolute highlight? That is, without question, Nick and Drew moving furniture. When they set up that aluminum ladder, across from the retaining wall to the second storey balcony? I was just howling! These two idiots used an aluminum ladder to bridge a space between a retaining wall and the side of Nick and Jessica's house, so they could slide what looked like a very heavy cupboard across and into the upstairs bedroom. Oh god that was funny! Unfortunately for my sense of hilarity, the project worked for them and the cupboard survived. But it seemed so precarious while they were moving it.

Nick was decorating the house, while Jessica was in New York doing promotional work for her book. Jessica wrote a book!?! Jessica can write? She actually used the phrase 'clothes trier oner' when she was going through wardrobe for her appearance on TV. You have to wonder about that girl. Also amusing from the wardrobe scene was the editing that ran about 96 comments of 'cute' made my Jessica, and who I believe was her mom. The whole Jessica trip, and the highlights from it, were kind of secondary to the episode. Nick's decorating was the focus of this episode. We saw a few shots from Jessica's trip to New York. There was the wardrobe segment, the booksigning, where she was worried about there being a measly 15 people lined up to get her autograph, the trip to the Today show, and some fluff. For example, Jessica stopped in at a firehall to meet some fireman. Pure cheese. She does look good in T-shirts though. Jessica has some disturbingly appealing breasts. They could do a whole episode on just that. But, showing that the blonde in her hair goes straight to the roots, she actually lost her hotel room, when the number was on the paper in her hand.

Upon returning from the trip, we get to see Nick and Jessica go at it in the most hostile moment we've witnessed so far. Nick seemed pretty hot about Jessica's dislike for his decorating. In truth, she didn't care so much about the actual design choices. The thrust of her argument seemed to be that it wasn't done by a designer. Jessica didn't want to do it herself, but wanted to hire someone to do it. Someone did do it for you! Nick did! I thought her point was infantile and I totally stand on Nick's side on this one. An amusing comment from this interlude was Nick's assertion that Jessica could pay him for his decorating services, if payment for it was the sticking point. Of course his allusion was to some sexual favors, and not monetary recompense.

Again, another enjoyable half with the most amusing newlyweds on TV.
Now playing . . . Johnny Rivers - Secret Agent Man
Now playing . . . MC Miker G & DJ Sven - Holiday Rap
Now Playing . . . Billy Idol - Cradle of Love
Now Playing . . . Guns 'n' Roses - November Rain
Now playing . . . Proclaimers - I'm On My Way
Now playing . . . Hooters - And We Danced
Now playing . . . Melissa Etheridge - I Will Never Be The Same
Now playing . . . Underworld - Born Slippy
Now playing . . . Ice Cube - No Vaseline

Tuesday, October 21, 2003

Some reflections at the end of an exhausting day.

I got the truck that I want, for the price that I want, under the circumstances I want. My existing truck will be taken on trade at the value needed to make it disappear. I'm ony 4 dollars over my pre-established budget and its got everything I wanted, and a little bit more. I think I won.

The other thing on my mind tonight is, my computer. It makes this strange clicking noise, but only some of the time. I thought it was hard drive but, it doesn't seem connected to hard drive operation. Sometimes its clicking and at others its not. And it will cease the noise for no reason at all. Any thoughts my blog friends?

Now I feel better. Toodles.
I need to get a few things (well two actually) off my chest.

One is a subject that came up last night. Sean tells me this story about a girl he knows. Its kind of messed up in the first place. He meets her under the pretense of a date only to find she has a boyfriend (nearly betrothed). But I digress, back to the story. Sean has a conversation with this girl, and during the course of it she confesses that she's dumped her boyfriend because he cheated on her 5 times, as she just found out. But here's the part that sets my blood to boiling. She wants him back.

What the hell is wrong with people? Five times!?! How do you forgive that? At some point you have to understand that this one is not the one for you. Once maybe you can forgive. Even that isn't fair. Once you can forgive but its probably time to say goodbye. Or maybe not. I don't know. But five times!?!?! How can that possibly be forgiveable? I can understand the desire to not be alone, and the wrenching loss of a long relationship but FIVE TIMES!?!?! That's not commitment honey.

And the other thing on my mind is, coffee breaks. What is it that the bloody world ceases to rotate on its axis when the poorly defined event knows as 'coffee break' occurs? I'm at the production shop this morning and when this annointed event arises, tools drop to the floor and we nearly sprint for the coffee machine. I had about 5 more minutes of discussion I needed to do with the one technician but nope, the world stops for coffee. It has to wait. That just drives me insane!

P.S. The idiot car dealer won't meet my terms on the truck I wanted. I guess I have to go look somewhere else.

This is the point where I'd usually go 'Toodles' but I'm much too depressed to do that.

Monday, October 20, 2003

Its kind of interesting how we get into patterns. I came home to Watson last night. It was a bit of an odd experience. I'm never here on weekend evenings. I haven't driven back to Watson on a weekend evening in so long I don't even remember the last time I did it. Going to bed here on a Sunday? It almost never happens. I almost didn't know what to do with myself. As it was I needed an hour or so to wind down and get my bearings before I could go to bed and sleep.

On the positive side of that however, I'm having a good Monday. No, the work or stress level is not down, but surprisingly I'm in better spirits. I think it was the relaxion I indulged in over the weekend. That was sorely needed.

Thanks for listening. Toodles!