Saturday, August 16, 2003

Its quarter to seven on a Saturday evening. I still don't know what to order for supper, because I'm way too lazy to actually attempt cooking on a day that is this hot. Why can't you order food by way of the Internet!?!

Friday, August 15, 2003

The word for today is, Bitterness.
While I'm on the subject of being pissed off, there's another thing that really gets on my nerves!

I hate when these damn salesmen give us a quote on a product, then never give the model number anywhere on the damn invoice! How the hell am I supposed to know what I'm getting! I can't look it up in a catalog, or download information off the internet, without the bloody model number. Sure, its great to know the cost but what if I wanna know if this will truly work for my purpose! I hate that. I need to know everything about the product, not just the stupid price. Yes, the price is important, but I need to know its the right equipment for the job too.

Today appears to be my day to be pissed off.

Okay, its time to blog. I'm really annoyed and I don't mind saying so.

On one hand its really nice to be quoted in a bid package for a new, and substantial, project. BUT, when the damn thing goes to tender, including full specifications, and all associated information therein, and you don't even get a copy of this bid document, I get annoyed. I mean, how the hell am I supposed to know what these guys want/expect pricing on, if I don't know what the tender calls for?

This is so typical of consultant engineers. I actually like this firm to work with, as they've always been decent, and reasonable with us. But this will be the second time this year that a job goes out and we don't get the info on the project. On the last one, I didn't even know we'd gotten the job until after it was awarded. It was, oh, by the way, we got this job, and its like one from last year. That's all fine and good but, has anyone bothered to make sure that everything will work together properly!?! In this particular instance, I did up a budget quote for this consultant earlier in the year. He asked for a couple alternatives, and that's the last I heard of it. Then I get a call from a contractor earlier this week and he wants to know what my pricing is on this unit in question. Ummm hello!?! I didn't even know it had gone to tender! I have no idea what I'm giving you pricing on.

My anger in this regard is tempered somewhat, by the fact that, all things being equal, we'll get this job. We are listed as the unit to be purchased, and there is no mention of, 'or approved equal'. That means good things for me. I will just remain a little miffed about not being told about the project going to bid.


Thursday, August 14, 2003

I saw a lot of different license plates on my trip back from Souris. That was how I passed the time, among other things, looking for new license plates. In my list of different ones I had:

British Columbia
Nova Scotia
North Dakota


Wednesday, August 13, 2003

I have inadvertently discovered SaskTel's guiding motto. All SaskTel services are guided by this one principle.

'Just Good Enough'


Tuesday, August 12, 2003

I have something simple and to the point to say this time.

800 US gallons per minute. No competition.
If I wasn't in a bad mood already, I am certainly in a bad mood now.

How do I do this? How can I be so incredibly stupid? Okay, in a way I know how I manage to accomplish this task, time in and time out. Sometimes you want to make a change to a drawing and you don't necessarily want to keep it, or keep it under the existing file name. For instance, if I use the model from one job to create the model for a second job, I'd want to save it with a new file name. Or, if you tell AutoCAD to print, it thinks that's a change to the drawing and asks if you want to save.

So I did this whole drawing last week, and APPARENTLY I didn't save it to the hard thus. Thus, now that I need it again, I don't have it, BECAUSE ITS NOT THERE!!! I'm pretty unhappy right now. I could use some cheering up. All jokes and amusements will be gladly accepted.


Monday, August 11, 2003

I was in the hospital again this morning. Re-evaluation of the degree of brokenness of my foot. UPDATE*** Its still broken. On the upside, I have a full cast. On the down side, I think it need re-doing or repairing. The heel is soft.

But on to the more important question of this blog entry. Anyone got any idea how you hit on the X-ray technician? I had to get X-rays again, and damn if the girl doing the radiography wasn't spectacularly good looking. The question becomes though, how do you turn the natural pity of the moment to your advantage? I didn't know, and as usual, just ogled, and nothing more.

So they raised the speed limit on 4 lane, divided highways, in Saskatchewan to 110 km/h. Apparently that means you're supposed to go as fast as your rust bucket will take you. I came home via Regina, to Saskatoon, on Highway 11 on Friday. It was retarded the speeds some of those people were driving. I will concede to the Mustang. If a guy has a car that good, he should drive the nuts off it. But I was going 115 km/h and I got passed like I was standing still by a black Ford Taurus station wagon. That's just not right. Slow down people! Its not the freakin' Autobahn, and you're not powered by German engineering. A Ford Taurus is America's least common denominator automobile. You're gonna get yourself killed!

That's all for today. Have a nice day.