Saturday, March 13, 2004

This will be my second last update from the Brier. Its a little weird, that thought in my head. Its become such a part of my daily life that I am a little confused about my state of mind. It all ends now. After tomorrow, all the hoopla will be over, and just the mundane nuances of daily life will return. I will go back to the office, sit at my desk, and design and build water treatment systems. No more hanging out at Sask. Place. No more joking around with new friends, of whom I'd only recently come to know. No more long days, and sore feet, but smiles despite the pain. Its sad, in a real way, while at the same time full of relief at being back to normal. I don't know exactly what I feel tonight.

However, that is all a little deep for a Saturday night. We should all go on to bigger, brighter, more exciting thoughts right now. I hope that everyone I know, and care about, has a wonderful evening, full of life, love and merriment. I will stay here, near you, my internet friends. I know there is part of me that says I should be out with my real-time friends tonight. One last evening to enjoy the camaraderie. It is not me however. That is not my place, my venue, my way of enjoying good friends. I am simple, and I am quiet. I must remain here.

Have fun all of you, my friends, companions, and buddies, as you enjoy one great night of partying. Tip one back for me, as I rest here on my couch. I think it is best that way.

Good night, and great times all!

Friday, March 12, 2004

Brier Update!

Tonight, as the evening was coming to a close, I came very close to running down Olympic Champion Catriona LeMay Doan, with my cart full of supplies.
Brier Update from Friday, Day Seven:

Okay, I gotta say something about volunteers. From where did they get the idea they could be so, god damn pushy!?!

Yes, you are giving of your time freely. However, just because you agreed to provide a service, for free, does not mean you have a right to walk all over those of us that are here, and being paid.

I'll give you an example. The concession booth in one corner of the arena, is a little congested. You have the door for a concession booth, a storage room behind the concession booth, with a door emptying into the same spot, and a stairwell from the ground floor of the area. All three doors feed into the same 3 meter square space of real estate. Oh, did I mention that there was also a condiments table in the same general area?

The part that pisses me off is these volunteers, crashing up this stairwell, and spilling out around this confined space I outlined. I have a cart full of crap that I'm delivering to the concession booth. I do not need the dirty stares or the under-the-breath comments about it being rude that I've parked my cart there. You do not own the building. Take your self-righteousness and go home!

That's all for today. My feet hurt real bad and I think I need something to eat. Two more days to go!!!

From the Brier, this is Grant reporting.

Thursday, March 11, 2004

Brier Update, Volume 6:

There is little news today. It was a productive day. I gave a better effort. Not that I gave a bad effort yesterday, but I just couldn't find the strength and/or motivation yesterday. I pondered it when I got home and realized, I only ate once yesterday. The key to surviving Brier is to consume energy, so you have energy to burn.

I'm somewhat conflicted by the, topic du jour around the stock room today. Perhaps a more adequate definition would be to say I'm puzzled by it. Same old story, like I've lamented before. What do women want? Some guys are gifted, and they just connect with women, seemingly at will. Others employ a type of smarminess, that while offensive to me, seems to achieve the desired results in male/female interactions. So what should I do? I'm not gifted in this respect. I'm actually the polar opposite, to the point of retardation. I can't be the player, because that approach does not rest well with my constructed morality. That leaves a rather vast canyon in which I can not find the goat path up the side of the hill to nirvana. Not that anyone can really help me with this problem. I'm reaching the conclusion that you have to find your own goat path. However, it is demoralizing to watch it work for others, and to not even be to the, understanding the process, level yourself.

Sorry if that got a little too philosophical. Nonetheless it is my blog, and I can say whatever I want. If I'm boring, just skip this entry.

Toe Update:

The blister has popped. I checked my foot at the close of the day and the sac of fluid had burst, sometime since this morning. (I checked before putting my sock on) Oddly enough, my feet feel better today than yesterday. It was almost tolerable, until right at the end. Hopefully the blisters on my feet can hold out for three more days, as the burden will lessen. At least that's what I'm hoping for.


Wednesday, March 10, 2004

One more thing. I've been meaning to mention this in my last two day's worth of blog entries.

I am GOOP MAN!!!!!
Greetings from Day 5 of the 2004 Nokia Brier!!

I'm sorry I have to do this but, its an issue that will not go away. We're talking about old people. In the first place, I'm more than just a shade pissed off with their walking. Okay, fine, you're old and maybe not as spry as you used to be. If that is so, and you know it is so, can you please not weave back and forth, like a drunk on a three day bender, as you walk down the congested thoroughfares for foot traffic. That just drives me insane. I'm younger, faster, and in a lot more of a hurry but I have to come to an almost dead stop, becase Grandma can't keep her pokey, uncoordinated ass going in a straight line.

And the other thing is, that nearly unrelenting attempt at humor from this goobers. Somehow I'm supposed to find humor in their question, can I have a ride? Can you have a ride!?! Look numbnuts, the likelihood is I've walked more this week than you have in the preceding year. I'm tired. My feet hurt. Why the HELL don't you offer to push me to where I'm going? How god damn bad off could you possibly be if you can attend the Brier, as a patron, on a Wednesday morning/afternoon!?!

These are the kinds of things rolling across my mind lately. I will write again, if there are further thoughts.


Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Brier, Day Four Addendum 2:

Click the link to the photo, before continuing on with the text. This is something you may never see again!

Brier Damage

As you will see from the photo, there is something of particular notice, within the red oval on the picture. In case you can not see exactly what is significant about this photo, I will try to explain.

That is a blister. Ok, in and of itself, not that interesting. However, in this case, my entire fourth toe has blistered. Front to back, side to side, the entire toe is incapsulated by a fluid filled sac. I know this is going to be excruciatingly painful, the day that blister decides to break.

But overall, it was a pretty good Brier day. Stocking went well, there were few calamities, and everyone still seems upbeat. I'm impressed. We are moving towards the final now, and I'm sure everyone is anxious for it to arrive.

Stay tuned for further updates!
Brier, Day 4 Addendum 1:

Okay people, as a society we really need to come up with an agreement on a minumum acceptable walking speed. At least for public venues anyway, like shopping malls, and sports arenas. We can't have two 70 year old people, walking hand in hand down the CENTER of the aisle way, at a speed measured in glacial advancement speeds. I have a cart FULL of supplies and food. You gotta take your slow ass out of the middle of the road.

That is all. We return you to your regularly scheduled noon hour.
Today is Brier, Day 4.

Any of you, my faithful readers, if you come to the Brier in the morning. Try the French Toast. I heartily recommend it.


Monday, March 08, 2004

Second Addendum to Brier Day Three:

My luck may be changing. I just found $5 on the concourse.
Addendum to Musings From The Third Day of Brier:

Is it just me, or do you feel not the slightest bit ashamed of breaking wind, loudly, in the middle of the smoking area?
Musings from the third day of Brier:

The feet still hurt.

If you're 60 years old, you do not wear a mini-skirt.

It is not funny, if you ask me whether the stuff on my cart is free.

That is all so far. I'm sure there is more but, my mind has gone temporarily blank. I blame it on the relentless series of tasks that must be completed, over and over and over again. I will blog again, if I remember my previous comment, or think up a new one.

Stay tuned . . .
I have just one point that I want to make today, as I conclude the second day of Brier.

I hope that Kevin, Wendy, Cowan and Aaron appreciate the significant effort I am contributing to the accomplishment of the 2004 Brier. I came home tonight and literally peeled my clothes off my body. In doing so, I discovered that over the course of the past couple of days, I have developed some chafing in a VERY sensitive location. You might say, the most sensitive place you could ever expect to develop a chafing problem.

I bring this up, not to generate any sympathy or pity. I know that everyone is giving their utmost to the task. I simply thought that it was poignant illustration of the tireless efforts that my partners, Devin, and Clayton, along with myself, have invested.

P.S. Does anyone have some lubricant I could have? I'd rather this raw spot not grow any further.

Sunday, March 07, 2004