La Connexion Francaise
atterrir = land
poteau = post
vide = empty
dessous = below
casser = break
cou = neck
grelotter = shiver
bêtise = stupidity
mollement = flabbily
saisir = grab
valser = waltz
avachir = limp
debout = standing
chiot = puppy
aboyer = bark
Dénombrement en français
Je crois que le chiot veut aller dehors.
Saturday, April 27, 2019
Friday, April 26, 2019
Today I Learned . . . (2019-04-26)
Today I Learned . . .
There are radio stations in Surviving Mars.
There are radio stations in Surviving Mars.
Blog Question Of The Day (2019-04-26)
Blog Question Of The Day
Why do they never have regular Goodhost iced tea at the Prestion Crossing Wal-Mart?
Why do they never have regular Goodhost iced tea at the Prestion Crossing Wal-Mart?
La Connexion Francaise (2019-04-26)
La Connexion Francaise
étincelles = sparks
puanteur = stench
mèche = wick
crépiter = crackle
crapahuter = trudge
haut = top
martèlement = pounding
retentir = sound
tasser = tamp
cartouche = cartridge
frôler = graze
egosiller = hoarse
éclats = bursts
ardoisé = slate
gicler = spurt
alentour = surrounding
erafler = scratch
ramper = crawl
au dessus = above
cendre = ash
Dénombrement en français
J'ai beaucoup accompli ces deux derniers jours.
étincelles = sparks
puanteur = stench
mèche = wick
crépiter = crackle
crapahuter = trudge
haut = top
martèlement = pounding
retentir = sound
tasser = tamp
cartouche = cartridge
frôler = graze
egosiller = hoarse
éclats = bursts
ardoisé = slate
gicler = spurt
alentour = surrounding
erafler = scratch
ramper = crawl
au dessus = above
cendre = ash
Dénombrement en français
J'ai beaucoup accompli ces deux derniers jours.
Thursday, April 25, 2019
Today I Learned . . . (2019-04-25)
Today I Learned . .
1,735 people took the Engineers Canada/Polytehnique Montreal course Sustainability In Practice that I completed in March/April.
1,735 people took the Engineers Canada/Polytehnique Montreal course Sustainability In Practice that I completed in March/April.
La Connexion Francaise (2019-04-25)
La Connexion Francaise
hisser = hoist
tant bien que mal = as best they could
faîtage = ridgepole
lenteur = slowness
cime = summit
chamade = wildly
dégringoler = tumble
essai = trial
dépêcher = hurry
dechirer = tear
au dessus = over
Dénombrement en français
Mon livre francais est devenir excitant.
hisser = hoist
tant bien que mal = as best they could
faîtage = ridgepole
lenteur = slowness
cime = summit
chamade = wildly
dégringoler = tumble
essai = trial
dépêcher = hurry
dechirer = tear
au dessus = over
Dénombrement en français
Mon livre francais est devenir excitant.
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
The Daily Affirmation (2019-04-24)
The Daily Affirmation
The last jersey from my order was delivered today.
The last jersey from my order was delivered today.
La Connexion Francaise (2019-04-24)
La Connexion Francaise
pénible = painful
embusqué = ambush
étroit = narrow
guetter = watch
adosser = lean
fredonner = hum
tromper = deceive
ennui = boredom
fourmis = ants
dégourdir = stretch
sonner = ring
lugubre = dismal
coude = elbow
pencher = lean
éloigner = remove
amdou = tinder
echelle = ladder
colombage = timbered
jucher = perch
déraper = skid
baisser = lower
Dénombrement en français
Je sens instable ou agité peut être.
pénible = painful
embusqué = ambush
étroit = narrow
guetter = watch
adosser = lean
fredonner = hum
tromper = deceive
ennui = boredom
fourmis = ants
dégourdir = stretch
sonner = ring
lugubre = dismal
coude = elbow
pencher = lean
éloigner = remove
amdou = tinder
echelle = ladder
colombage = timbered
jucher = perch
déraper = skid
baisser = lower
Dénombrement en français
Je sens instable ou agité peut être.
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
Act of Caring (2019-04-23)
Act of Caring
I fixed the garbage bag in the garbage can in the park this afternoon.
I fixed the garbage bag in the garbage can in the park this afternoon.
Today I Learned . . . (2019-04-23)
Today I Learned . . .
The woman who played Howard's Mom on Big Bang Theory actually died so they killed off the character in the show.
The woman who played Howard's Mom on Big Bang Theory actually died so they killed off the character in the show.
The Daily Affirmation (2019-04-23)
The Daily Affirmation
Despite losing tonight, my ball hockey team showed some real promise towards improving our offensive capabilities.
Despite losing tonight, my ball hockey team showed some real promise towards improving our offensive capabilities.
La Connexion Francaise (2019-04-23)
La Connexion Francaise
appuyer = support
sourire = smile
pelotonner = curl
tarder = delay
rendre compte = realize
Dénombrement en français
Je ne suis pas atteindre assez chaque jour.
appuyer = support
sourire = smile
pelotonner = curl
tarder = delay
rendre compte = realize
Dénombrement en français
Je ne suis pas atteindre assez chaque jour.
Monday, April 22, 2019
Act of Caring (2019-04-22)
Act of Caring
I added a pail of water to the hot tub this evening and re-filled the chlorine dosing float.
I added a pail of water to the hot tub this evening and re-filled the chlorine dosing float.
Today I Learned . . . (2019-04-22)
Today I Learned . . .
There was a wild rabbit in our yard for over two hours this evening.
There was a wild rabbit in our yard for over two hours this evening.
La Connexion Francaise (2019-04-22)
La Connexion Francaise
nouer = tie
tambouriner = drum
pencher = lean
verser = pay
goutte = drop
au found = basically
prélever = withdraw
sciure = sawdust
Dénombrement en français
Je suis developpant un plan de voyage.
nouer = tie
tambouriner = drum
pencher = lean
verser = pay
goutte = drop
au found = basically
prélever = withdraw
sciure = sawdust
Dénombrement en français
Je suis developpant un plan de voyage.
Sunday, April 21, 2019
La Connexion Francaise (2019-04-21)
La Connexion Francaise
nettement = clearly
atteler = harness
Dénombrement en français
Je sens mieux ce matin que je fait hier.
nettement = clearly
atteler = harness
Dénombrement en français
Je sens mieux ce matin que je fait hier.