Wednesday, January 15, 2003

Hello from Florida everyone! This is your intrepid reporter bringing you the scoop from the sunny Sunshine State!

I don't have much good news to report, unfortunately. The business portion of the trip is going well enough. We had our first class today and it was good. I got some useful help from it. The part about how a membrane unit is put together was very informative and filled in some wide gaps in my understanding, from how I'd tried to visualize it from the book I read.

On the down side, my face hurts. Or more specifically, my left eye. To the point, it feels like someone punched me in the eye. Its not comfortable. I hope it gets better, or at least doesn't get any worse. I do NOT want to have to look for medical help here in the USA.

My most interesting note from yesterday's travels would be the enormously poo-bomb that was getting through US Customs. That was the biggest screw up I've ever seen. There had to have been 600 people in line, trying to get through Customs and onto their planes. They ended up having to delay a bunch, including mine, because they couldn't get people through. Someone needs to have a talk with the Americans. If they want all that security, you gotta pay for it. There were 20 aisles available for people to be processed through. They had six agents available for putting people through. That is not performance. If anyone in a position of power is reading this, FIX THAT SITUATION!!!

To my family, I hope they read this, lots of love.


Monday, January 13, 2003

Today is a total non-day. Nothing is happening, at all. It is at once both disappointing and comforting. How odd.

I took a spare power supply home at lunch today, to confirm my worst fears. They were confirmed. The computer known as the Linux box is dead. I threw in a new power supply and the computer did nothing at all. It is a complete boat anchor. Thus ends my foray into dual processor computing. :-( I'm fairly sad about this because they motherboard that I had in that computer was one I bought off eBay for a fairly respectable sum of money. I spent that much because its a dual processor motherboard. I could have put two Pentium II processors on it. (I never did get around to buying another one) Now that particalar dream is dead. I would guess I've lost at least the motherboard, and probably the chip and RAM as well. I guess it doesn't really matter since the stuff is old and I can't salvage it into another machine. Nontheless it is still disappointing to have your equipment go up on smoke.

Today is my one and only day in the office for the week. Tomorrow is a travel day, and then the rest of the week is my conference on reverse osmosis water treatment in Tampa. I've kind of lost my enthusiasm for this trip. I had some last week but a series of minor setbacks, all happening one on top of each other, has dampened my enthusiasm. I need to find an outlet for my emotions in situations like these. I bottle everything up and wind up depressed. Its not a good situation. All answers point towards spending money that I don't have, leading to further depression. I need another job.
