Saturday, February 16, 2019

Today I Learned . . . (2019-02-16)

Today I Learned . . .

The battery on my Apple Watch will run out if I try to do 7 hours of activity tracking in one day.

La Connexion Francaise (2019-02-16)

La Connexion Francaise

epargner = save
froisser = wrinkle
pétiller = sparkle
témoin = witness
abasourdi = thunderstruck
fardeau = burden
ventre = belly
ravaler = swallow
penaud = sheepish

Dénombrement en français

Zoé semble être mieux ce matin.

Friday, February 15, 2019

The Daily Affirmation (2019-02-15)

The Daily Affirmation 

I got a sweet present today.  A new Rush hat and the PS4 game God of War.

La Connexion Francaise (2019-02-15)

La Connexion Francaise

taire = shut up
déverrouiller = unlock
toqué = cracked
barreaux = bars

Dénombrement en français

Je suis frustré par cette projet.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Blog Question Of The Day (2019-02-14)

Blog Question Of The Day

Should I become an Assessor on the APEGS Experience Review committee?

Should I take the Engineers Canada Sustainability in Engineering course?

The Daily Affirmation (2019-02-14)

The Daily Affirmation

My new heated gloves work!

La Connexion Francaise (2019-02-14)

La Connexion Francaise

tomettes = tiles
desceller = unseal
par-dessus = above
douter = doubt
emprunter = borrow
échelle = ladder
appuyer = support
ficher = file
mijoter = simmer
là-dedans = the inside
partout = all over

Dénombrement en français

Mon compréhension n'est pas bien aujourd-hui.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

La Connexion Francaise (2019-02-13)

La Connexion Francaise

décharger = unload
soupçonner = suspect
empoigner = grab
moue = pout
crotte = dung
gaspiller = waste
malin = malignant
épaisse = thick
enfouir = bury
étaler = spread

Dénombrement en français

J'étale mon travail autant je peux ce matin.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

La Connexion Francaise (2019-02-12)

La Connexion Francaise

entourer = surround
piste = track
ressort = spring
fouiller = search
bredouille = empty-handed
creuser = dig

Dénombrement en français

Je suis de mauvaise humeur.

Blog Question Of The Day (2019-02-12)

Blog Question Of The Day

How much gas would you burn if you idled your car all day?

Monday, February 11, 2019

Blog Question Of The Day (2019-02-11)

Blog Question Of The Day 

Was I awake this morning at 5:45?

La Connexion Francaise (2019-02-11)

La Connexion Francaise

regagner = regain
oisillon = chick
enfouir = bury
gaspiller = waste
ronchonner = growl
moitié = half

Dénombrement en français

Ma lecture etait facile aujourd'hui.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Blog Question Of The Day (2019-02-10)

Blog Question Of The Day

Can an alpaca jump a standard height fence?

La Connexion Francaise (2019-02-10)

La Connexion Francaise

prêtres = priests
chamade = wildly
écarquiller = widen
déplier = unfold

Dénombrement en français

La tresor sera bientôt révélé.