Saturday, December 27, 2003

Grant's tips for 2003, from Saskatchewan Place, equal $445.69.


Wednesday, December 24, 2003

Blog Question Of The Day:

Where does someone buy a wig?
I know I ranted about this yesterday but, it deserves being said again. People piss me off!

I have a town, with two types of filtration occurring before distribution to the town. Its three days before Christmas, and one of the types of filtration has failed. Readings taken of the water quality prove that the filtered water is actually worse than the raw water (in one respect) There is a definable problem with the process and it needs a remedy.

Its the week of Christmas. The whole world is shutting down for the holiday week. I have a malfunctioning process, and nobody available to go fix it. Furthermore, there is no quick fix solution to the problem. Making the process right again will take several days. Meanwhile there is a town of 2000+ people that need water while they enjoy Christmas.

So I make a decision. I have 15 minutes to choose something, because that's the window between whether I can sent a programmer to the water treatment plant to alter the operation of the plant. I don't have time to ask everyone what to do. I have to choose.

So I choose. I send the programmer, and we bypass the faulty portion of the process. Then I write a piece of correspondence, outlining the problem, the likely cause, and the solution I've enacted, which guarantees the town some treated water until we can come back, after the holiday, to remedy the malfunctioning process.

So what kind of response do I get from the project Engineer? A rude email suggesting I should have run the decision through them, for review and approval. I didn't have that much time. The programmer gave me until the end of the day I decided, so about 15 minutes, to make a choice about what to do. I couldn't give the town untreated water. I considered that unacceptable. So I chose the temporary fix.

Why write me a rude letter? What does that accomplish. If I had any other choice I would have consulted them, and gotten approvals. I didn't have that kind of time. What's accomplished by calling me down. Help me, don't sit on your throne and judge me poorly based on everything I do. Be in the business of solutions, not protecting your own interest. I don't think that's fair. Especially when you know you'll be out of the office yourself, for an extended Christmas break, and will be unreachable. There's a town full of people who's lives are affected by your behaviour. Help them, don't ignore them.

I am mad.

Tuesday, December 23, 2003

Do you ever look at life, either the reality of it, or the captured moment in a television program, and become totally depressed by it?
I almost forgot something I was going to blog about.

I used my P.Eng. today!
One more day of work has almost been completed. There was less of a beating today, which was a positive. Still hunting the same ponderous beast. I'm not sure I'm winning at all, but I felt like I didn't lose as much today. Gotta look for the positives in life.

People frustrate me. At the end of the day what's really bothering me lately is people. There are problems to be dealt with and the most you can get from anyone is, well that's not specific problem. How does that help me? Okay, maybe its not your particular problem but I'm making the effort to reach out, and seek some assistance with my current state of affairs and I get back, the world won't end. I'm not worried about the world ending, I just wanna put a decent resolution on a screwed up situation. I have trouble with asking for help, so its demoralizing to have my request essentially belittled.

An the same topic of people pissing me off, why do I have to do everything? I got a call this afternoon. The person on the other end wanted me to give them a decision on something. It was about scheduling an installation. That's supposed to be his job. Its nothing complex or intricate, or for that matter anything I've ever dealt with before. But for some reason he felt it necessary to not decide anything himself and call me. I'm in the middle of dealing with my haunting nightmare of a project, and he interjects with a phone call about a dinky 5 gpm unit. AARRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!

I think its time for a holiday.


Monday, December 22, 2003

Monday morning dawned with my old nemesis, still square within my sights. The large, hulking beast that is my enemy, will not relent. Like some invincible super-villian of cartoon infamy, it teases and tortures me with cruel lack of mercy. I am beaten, bruised, reduced to pulp. A crying heap in the middle vast plain, that is devoid of anything, least of all hope. I stand, near to broken, wishing only for release.