Saturday, December 04, 2004

Its kinda weird to watch a special about Metallica, and have the lead singer look like a guy you might go to talk to about your mortgage, but god damn do these guys still ROCK!!!!

METALLICA RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, December 03, 2004

I have a problem with a situation that has someone phoning me, asking for the diameter of a hole, when his comments to me include, 'I see that the radius is 19 mm'
I have to make a declaration at this point.

Major thanks have to be given to Mr. Kevin Hills, for addition of a hit counter on my blog. I'd had the idea before, to include one, but all my investigations led me towards something that would cost me money. I don't really like buying from the internet. I avoid it whenever possible. This is another one of these situations.

However last night we were discussing my blog, and how many people we think read it. He suggested a hit counter. I told him I'd use one, if he found it for me. So he did.

Now I have a counter. Holy Crap am I getting more hits than I thought! Its been up for about 18 hours now, and at last count, I had 31 hits. I didn't expect to hit double digits until after the weekend.

Thanks to everyone for reading my oft-times warped thoughts. And a HUGE thank you to Kevin, for bringing a lot of value to my site.


Thursday, December 02, 2004

One of the worst things about being in Loserville is, there are so few permanent residents. You live right along the highway of life. Things go by on the highway. Both good and bad. The occasional person stops as they drive through on their way somewhere. You might get the odd person coming into town. Metaphorically speaking, stopping for a Pepsi and a piss in your hovel-like little abode on the side of life’s freeway. But the necessities of life taken care of, they get back in their Porsche, and press the pedal to the floor, speeding away from you, and your pathetic existence in Loserville.

To put it in more vivid terms:

I’m the bloody Chamberlain of relationships.
The Bitterness Poem
by Grant

Here I sit,
alone at my desk.
A loser again,
in every respect.
Let's be honest. Who actually LIKES the band R.E.M.!!!?!!!
Okay, who's with me on this one!?!

There's this Christmas commercial now on TV from Roger's Wireless. Its the one where the guy is trekking through a forest of fir trees, looking for the perfect Christmas tree. He has his camera phone with him, and he's sending back pictures of trees to his 'woman' who's sitting on the couch at home, warm, dry and comfortable.

Who thought this commercial was a good idea!?!?!?!?!?!

I'm watching this, and I just wanna cuff the damn bitch. She's sitting at home while this hapless bastard has to trudge through the snow and cold, looking for a damn tree. And every tree he finds, she's got some problem with. But to go with it, she's not providing any concrete suggestions for what else to look for. She just answers with standard responses that the guy out freezing in the forest is supposed to interpret!!

What a god damn stupid commercial. I bloody hate it!!

Who's with me? Kill the bitch on the couch or make them stop playing the commercial!!!

The flash from a photographer's camera has illuminated a shine on Lindsay Lohan's head that looks like the symbol from Star Trek.

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Welcome to Loserville.

Population = me
Muppet News Flash!!!

I built the membrane plant for both the Associated/Yellow Quill, and Bullee/Maple Creek project. Where's my cookie!?!?!

Monday, November 29, 2004

Good Ideas from Bad Technicians

If you are given the chance, here are my suggestions for software to select, for your new DVD burner.

DO get ICopyDVDs2.

do NOT get DVDXCopy Express

DO get Sonic MyDVD

do NOT get B.H.A. including B's Clips.

I hate that stupid B.H.A. crap. I'm trying to do something really basic. All I wanna do is write to my newly purchased DVD+RW discs. I install the packet writing software that came with the drive awhile ago, but never tried the facility. I had the Sonic software at work, and I use the packet writing daily, for my engineering files. Its awesome. No muss, no fuss, its just works. Now I screw around with this B.H.A. software and it wants to give me a rash. SCREW THAT!!! I've bought 3 DVD burners, at least one of them must have the Sonic software. Found one, installed, rebooting and Voila! Its works like a charm.

So, to recap:

DO get ICopyDVDs2.

do NOT get DVDXCopy Express

DO get Sonic MyDVD

do NOT get B.H.A. including B's Clips.

Sunday, November 28, 2004

Blog Question Of The Day

Why is the symbol for Canadian Tire reminiscient of a Yield sign?