Friday, December 03, 2004

I have to make a declaration at this point.

Major thanks have to be given to Mr. Kevin Hills, for addition of a hit counter on my blog. I'd had the idea before, to include one, but all my investigations led me towards something that would cost me money. I don't really like buying from the internet. I avoid it whenever possible. This is another one of these situations.

However last night we were discussing my blog, and how many people we think read it. He suggested a hit counter. I told him I'd use one, if he found it for me. So he did.

Now I have a counter. Holy Crap am I getting more hits than I thought! Its been up for about 18 hours now, and at last count, I had 31 hits. I didn't expect to hit double digits until after the weekend.

Thanks to everyone for reading my oft-times warped thoughts. And a HUGE thank you to Kevin, for bringing a lot of value to my site.


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