Wednesday, June 11, 2003

I had ANOTHER strange dream.

In this dream, this weird guy captured these two girls, and kept them down in his dungeon. Periodically he would come in and torture them. He had a fascination with poking them in the breasts with needles. The room was completely dark, and black. They had no sense of where they were, or when they were.

Finally they managed to trick the torturer. He always drugged them before entering the room, so they didn't attack him when he tortured them. One time they didn't get drugged, and saved it. Then, when he came in, they injected the torturer with the stuff and paralyzed him. Then they stuck him in the torture machines and hurt him, before running out of the little torture room.

It turned out the torture room was in a hotel. They ran out of the room and were naked in the hallway of a hotel. Eventually they made it into a room where they regrouped and considered what to do next. For some reason they didn't want to call the police.

Eventually they called this male friend of theirs, who brought them some clothes and helped them figure out what to do next. One girl was too scared to do anything and just wanted to hide. The other one wanted more revenge on the torturer. She set up a scheme to catch him, and kill him. She would pretend to be drugged again, when the torturer escaped his machines and came looking for him.

When he went to attack her, for escaping, she would drug him again. Then she would take him back to the torture room, and put him through everything she had gone through, until he died. She had just contacted the torturer and told him where she was, to enact her plan, when the dream ends.

I gotta lay off the psychedelics before bed. LOL Toodles!

Tuesday, June 10, 2003

Here's a tip for everyone, on a good site for looking up movies and music. This is courtesy of Sean, so kudos go to him.

I had the most peculiar dream last night.

It started out that i was this shiftless guy. Then my father sought to motivate me by giving me this job of driving along the border between Manitoba and Saskatchewan. I did that, and stopped in Hudson Bay, Sask. From there i started doing house by house searches, evaluating them. I ended up in this slum area where I found illegal basements and people keeping rabid dogs for protection. I exposed the situation and I remembered I was the mayor's son and i made this an election issue. But it turned out the mayor was crooked and was helping these people live squalid lives so he could have the neighbourhood condemned and turn it into a massive, luxury complex.

Then it got real weird. There was this big debate in a large theatre/parliament building. The evil people were killing baby kittens, and i chased them into the debates of town issues. Then the head villian, who was running for mayor, revealed herself. But she was some shape changing creature actually, and turned the walls into snakes. Weird dog people attacked me, and i fought back, out into streets of a major city, with buses, and taxis and stuff. There was this elaborate battle in the air and on the ground before I cornered the villians in a school where I woke up.

And I didn't even have pickles or anything before bed. 8-|


Monday, June 09, 2003

Its been an interesting day.

Woke up way too early this morning. I don't really regret helping Kevin with the Co-op gig this weekend. I got what I wanted out of it and I feel he got value from my services. But the morning came too early this morning. I needed a couple more hours.

Which leads to lunch, where I fell asleep watching TV and didn't wake up until 1:15. That was embarassing but ultimately didn't result in any consequences.

Back to the morning where I was run off my feet with new things, and old things requiring new efforts. I'm not even close to being done but then again, didn't really expect to. The mechanical contractor on one project requested shop drawings while I was in Souris last week so I would say that constitutes a formal acceptance of our package. Now we're bidding on another reserve job and there's a design project from a town on my desk. Oh, and we're going to commence pilot testing in another town for a really big unit, or set of units. The waves of projects do not abate.

Flash forward to the afternoon. Had an illuminating discussion with my boss about the various facets of my job, the company, and where everything stands, and how it inter-relates. I know a little better what he's thinking, about a lot of things, and I feel reassured. Maybe my stress level won't go down any but he's aware of it, and sympathetic. It was reassuring to know that he noticed, and appreciated, my efforts of late.

Back to the morning. There was an annoyance I didn't need. Stupid hacker (I think) planted bombs on Clarence's computer and made it stop functioning properly. Could be a virus too but I'm leery of that idea as I don't believe Clarence gets a lot of email. Maybe I'm wrong on that but the couple times I've looked at his computer when the mail screen was up, there wasn't much to see. I didn't need that hassle when I had all these project concerns to worry about. I fussed with his computer(s) for an hour getting him something that would work. Another hour lost.

Lunch was good. I had a bacon, egg and cheese bagel. Thanks Mom!

That's an encapsulated look at my life today. I hope you liked the short story. Have a good one yourselves folks. Later!