Friday, October 10, 2003

Friday, October 10, 2003 Blog Question Of The Day:

Why do I change my passwords to incorporate a specific girl, only AFTER I lose her?
Do you have a minute?

What is the deal with SaskTel high speed internet? What did I do to be put in 'The Villas' yet again? I've already lost track of how many times I've had, dropped service, this morning. What the hell is the deal here? Do we get all the 1960's network equipment here in Watson? If more than three people try to access the internet simultaneously, the system crashes and has to reboot? What's going on?

This pisses me off. I pay the same price as a city dweller, for my SaskTel internet connection. Why can't I have the same reliability? Its obvious we have second rate network equipment, or undersized network equipment, here in Watson. Why is that? I suppose I should be happy just to have high speed internet but how useful is it if it drops me every 5 minutes?

That's just my opinion though. I could be wrong.

Thursday, October 09, 2003

Its time for a rant.

First of all, I admit, part of this is my fault. I should have blocked this moron. I hate doing that. It seems so mean. But in this case, perhaps it was necessary. I can't deal with this level of stupidity.

So I'm sitting here at my desk, minding my own business, when this person I have occasionally chatted with, pops on and says hi. Okay, that's alright, so I hi back. There's the usual, how are you crap. I do my part. I answer, truthfully, and with more than just, fine. And I inquire about her status. Then it starts.

Oh my life is f%&ked up! So I bite, being the nice person I try to be. What's wrong, I ask. Then I get this list of disasters. In debt, have to go to the hospital, need a new car. And my polite comments saying this is unfortunate is met with, Yeah.

How do you chat with someone that just going 'Yeah' to everything. They're your problems. Either they are interesting to you or talk about something else. But say something. Don't respond to me with 'Yeah' on everything. That just drives me. You type something, and you get back 'yeah'. I end up doing all the chatting and I'm really trying to work, and chat with my other friends. What can I do with 'Yeah'.


That is all. Good day to you.
We have a very important blog question of the day today. This is something that I've wondered about, to myself, on many occasions, and never come up with a decent answer. So, I will turn to you, my faithful blog readers, to get an idea of what you think.

What is the best story about me?

Contact me by the usual methods.

Wednesday, October 08, 2003

In what is to become a new feature on my blog, we will be reviewing the highlights from this week's episode of Newlyweds: Nick and Jessica.

We had tension provided this week by both Nick, and Jessica's dealings with record executives, regarding their new singles. In a nutshell, both disagreed with the exec's. They both seemed pretty adamant they were right, and I can't argue to the contrary, because in neither instance did the show's producers give us a full clip upon which to render a decision. Since I like these two, I'll err on their side, and say that the record people needed to lighten up.

These events were fairly stressful, and as they were in Cincinnati for Nick's grandmother's wedding, what better idea than to go out partying!?! The partying itself was a pretty boring, 30 second montage of random shots from the night of drinking. Apparently the idea was to show Nick getting hammered. Funny though that the result was that Jessica had a hangover in the morning. Apparently she's a lightweight.

Jessica's condition in the morning brought us the show's funniest moments. Which isn't surprising because Jessica is the life of this show. Nick is just too 'together'. Jessica is a princess and provides nearly all the comic relief. In this scene she cuts forth with a tremendous, 3 second, burp. Jessica Simpson has the best belching talent I have ever witnessed in a female. She deserves an award. And to top off the hilarity she actually uses the phrase, 'drop the kids off at the pool'.

Nick is unimpressed by the quality of sound production at the old folks home. I think he was asking a bit much from a 75 year old guy. Later on his lack of faith in the 75 year old sound guy is re-affirmed when the old guy can't even get the mic on for Nick's song at the wedding ceremony.

Last up is the wedding itself. But first, we have to watch the couple prepare. Nick, the pretty boy that he is, fusses with his hair, to a degree that I think is excessive. Meanwhile, and this provides some subdued humor, Jessica does some ironing of her dress. Call me crazy but it really doesn't look like she knows what she's doing.

And that was it. In the conclusion we see some clips from Jessica's re-recording of her first single off the new album. She goes into the session saying she has a hangover. Is it just me or is Jessica doing a lot of drinking during the course of production of this show? Just an observation.

Again, another excellent episode of Newlyweds: Nick and Jessica. I eagerly await the next episode.
P.S. I hate Jerome
What's the deal with me and new foods?

I've been on this kick lately, of re-trying things that I always was dismissing as food I didn't like. For instance, tonight I had cabbage rolls. Odd, they weren't as offensive as I remembered them to be. Granted, I won't be driving down the road to get them, but the meal itself was not that bad. I did enjoy the buns more than the cabbage rolls. The guy from the U.S. that was also at my bosses for supper didn't even know what a cabbage roll was. That's an awfully weird thing to hear, when they are so ingrained into the culture I grew up in.

On the weekend, my friend Melissa talked me into putting sour cream on my baked potato. I had to admit that it was a pretty darn good idea. I don't really like baked potatoes but the one I had on Sunday was pretty tolerable.

I've had mayonnaise on some sandwiches lately and would have to admit, it was no offensive. I tried pickles too and I have to say, they still don't do anything for me. I will pick them off. I also still don't like mustard. I've tried it on sandwiches and burgers a couple times this year, mostly because i forgot to say, take it off, but I can't get myself to like that. But, again as a result of my friendship with Melissa and Christiane, I've been having subs instead of burgers or other such fast food. (I think those girls have been an excellent influence on me) There's really no point in paying $8.00 for a sandwich, if you're going to leave everything off, all the vegetables and so on, so I've been ordering them with the works. Tomatoes, for instance, is something I've historically said I didn't like. On my sandwich, I really don't mind them.

This brings me back to my question. Why am I suddenly trying all these new foods? I will concede, many of the instances can be traced back to simply being open minded to a friend's suggestion. But why do I now like things that I before didn't like? Do tastes change over time, even if you're not constantly probing and testing them? Can boundaries shift, without any impetus to move them? Its all very curious.


Tuesday, October 07, 2003

What an up and down day I've had!

There was a big, closed door meeting this morning. I immediately went into panic mode, as I do with anything that is 'hush-hush'. That broke up about 10:30 and I moved into Murray's office, as I had a variety of things that needed his attention. Keep in mind I'm still churning my guts. We talk about projects and related stuff until noon and Murray calls a break for lunch. In passing, as we leave, he mentions that his earlier meeting involved me. This did nothing for my panic and I had what could accurately be described as a 'panic attack' for the entire lunch hour.

So back we come after lunch and resume the previously suspended meeting. Murray brings up what he'd discussed in his earlier meeting and while about me, was not even remotely close to what I'd managed to dream up. The guys in the shop were just frustrated by the drawings they had to work with, in constructing all these units we're doing. Murray and I batted that one around for awhile, and I explained where I was coming from, the strides I had in mind for future action, and how I would welcome some feedback from the guys doing the actual building. It sounds like this is getting transmitted so I think that was resolved.

Bouyed by the success of having my dire fears reputed, I strove forward with an issue that had been plaguing my mind since last week. And to my enormous relief my boss was ameniable to the solution I proposed to alleviate my stress, where my vehicle is concerned. I think that situation will be coming to an adequate resolution pretty soon.

So I went through some gyrations today but it ended in a good place. I feel reasonably satisfied. I look forward to the evening.

Tuesday's blog question of the day. (its a thought provoking one)

Do you think that humanity will colonize another planet (or moon, cellestial body of some kind) in your lifetime?

Monday, October 06, 2003

Well that helped!

Its been a, trying, morning. I won't go into it because its the same story, just with different players. Too many people, asking too many questions, most of which have answers that they already have, if they'd take the time to examine the situation. That wonderful burn of stress in the gut was sure evident. I could definitely use the punching bag I'm thinking of buying.

But I went home at lunch and watched Newlyweds: Nick & Jessica. That show is hilarious. Today we had Jessica sulking because Nick was going to be interviewed on Playboy Radio, and then attend a party at the Playboy mansion. The girl is blonde, busty and beautiful and still she worries. I don't quite follow how that happens but that's probably a blind spot on my part. Then they went golfing. That was uproarious. ever second thing Jessica had to say was, I have to pee. They're on the driving range, and just as Nick is about to swing, Jessica say, I gotta pee. Needless to say he shanked it. I believe that was when he fired his driver into the bush.

Which brings us to the blog question of the day.

Do you think Jessica Simpson's boobs are real?

You know what to do. Toodles.