Friday, September 26, 2003

A sausage and an egg were being fried in a frying pan.

The egg said to the sausage, "don't you think its hot in here?"

The sausage said, "God damn! A talking egg!"
What a slow news day it has been so far. I tried, with no success, to write a blog entry three times this morning. I had nothing to say. My motivation for work has been low. I blame a lack of sleep. I woke up for the first time about 3:30 this morning and didn't sleep solidly again after that. Still have a low grade headache that while I can feel, isn't bothering me that much. Picked away at a task this morning and found I'd done most of the work already. All that is needed is to put together the final document.

One piece of noteworthy news was the strange dream I had last night. I dreamed I was on campus at the U of S. I have forgotten the specifics of why I was there, but the part of the dream I remember had me walking through the 'bowl' on campus. Somehow this rolled together with doing a Sask. Place shift, and I discovered myself sitting on the grass and the narrow end of the bowl, between the library and the geology building, trying to balance a cash tray for an event. I had my money, and my count, and I was trying to reconcile the numbers on my PDA. My calculation of the number of beer I'd sold was not making sense to me. I think it was something like 13x24 and I was getting a number like 724. Suffice it to say it wasn't making sense. People kept coming up and bothering me, because it was taking me so long to figure out this deposit. Eventually I just threw up my hands and crunched my brain to figure everything out in my head. It was right about then that I woke up and it was 3:30.

Hopefully you, my faithful readers, had a better sleep than I. I wish you another one tonight. Toodles!

Thursday, September 25, 2003

Another tidbit of news from an enormously hectic day.

An old friend messaged me on MSN today. My buddy Darren from my days at March Consulting said a hello to me this afternoon. That was a nice, and welcome surprise. I hadn't heard from him in some time. It was good to catch up, even if it was only for a few minutes. He has a baby now (well, he's one and a half actually) so Darren was babysitting and duty called. Still it was good to say a hello to an old friend. Hopefully he will make it online again in the future.

Bloq question of the day.

Why am I blessed with having high speed internet out here in the hinterlands of Saskatchwan, but similarly cursed by having the connection be so unstable during the day?
The 10:30 Blog question.

Why does my keyboard stop working when I plug my digital camera into my USB hub?
On Kevin's suggestion I decided to have a hot chocolate this morning. The only problem with this plan was, some dirty so-and-so has taken my favorte chicken cup. Its just not the same without the chicken cup.

This has been your 9:00 news break.
Do you know what I hate? It really frustrates me when I wake up early in the morning, for instance 5:30 like I did this morning. The waking up isn't the frustrating part. That can actually be nice because you look at the clock and realize, oh good, I can go back to sleep for a couple hours. The part I hate is when you wake up early, but its that sudden, jolting awakeness, and you get the adrenaline rush of, oh crap, I slept in and I'm late for work! Then you look at the clock and its 5:30 and you can go back to sleep. Trouble is, the adrenaline rush has made you wide awake, and going back to sleep is nearly impossible.

This has been your 8:30 rant. Toodles!

Wednesday, September 24, 2003

I just remembered the other thing I wanted to add to my blog for today. Funny how you always forget at that point where you have to remember it. This can double as the 'Blog Question of the Day'.

Does anyone know how to add a hit counter to a blog hosted on Blogspot?
What a weird day its been. First of all, I couldn't log onto the Blogger site all afternoon. I tried three times and each one its errored and wouldn't load my TELK page. Oh well, I'll blog as I wait for my supper to defrost.

Today was frustrating at work. More of the usual nightmare; dealing with consultants. Why is it they have to be obtuse? I was sorting out all the conflicting design decisions, and mis-specified equipment. Wrong tags on things, missing tags, incorrectly placed equipment. On top of the fact that all the analytical equipment is just plain wrong for the application. This stuff we have to use is all wrong for a small scale membrane treatment unit. There are some mistakes on our part too. Some equipment was located in the wrong place on the unit, some equipment was not ordered, and its all combining for one big headache. I'll be working on it again tomorrow. I hope I can put the majority of it to rest by the end of Thursday.

There is some good news however. I'm looking good for completing payment on my big screen TV. I ran some numbers this evening, after paying a couple of bills, and the money should be there to cover that very large expenditure. That gave me a nice, happy, warm feeling. I had a brief panic attack when i forget to add my next paycheque to the numbers. It all looks good and I think I can relax.

That's all from here. Have a good one folks.


Tuesday, September 23, 2003


I have secured vacation time for the new year. The situation came to a head this morning and I had to do something. So, I went ahead and asked Murray for two weeks off in the early new year. He said 'okay' without hesitation.

So, to summarize, I will be going on vacation, to the Mayan Riviera, in Mexico, for the week of January 9-16. I have not figured out how to pay for this yet but with luck, something will work itself out.

I will also be at the Nokia Brier, in Saskatoon, from March 6-14. This event is important to me because I missed out on most of it the last time it was here. I just see it as an experience to be part of the crew that pulls off this show. I'm looking forward to this.

Thanks for listening. Toodles to all!

Monday, September 22, 2003

News from my house this evening.

It appears Jerome has a friend. I had two flies up on the screen this evening. I need to spray some RAID in there or something, to get rid of them. Damn pesky flies!!!

Today's blog survery question.

Should there be a TELK fan club?

You know what to do.

Another couple of examples from the list of, things that piss me off. They are from Microsoft products, which should come as a surprise to no one.

Why does Microsoft default the margins in Word to 1.25"? How picked that as a standard? Maybe its is a standard somewhere, and I'm just not up on typesetting but it seems to me that 1" would be a much better standard. I've asked the question of people and I hear the same complaint. G&D D#$M Microsoft, makes me change the margins every time!!! If someone could explain this to me, I'd sure appreciate it.

What is wrong with Word in that, I can have the whole document at one font size, lets say 14 point. I copy a section, from the same document, to another place in, the same document, and when it pastes, its a different font size. Why does it do that? They build all these 'smart' features into the program, and it can't even do that right?

Just some stuff on my mind. Toodles again!
Monday morning has arrived and I have a few points to comment on. As none of the following information is really paragraph worthy, I will summarize in short.

I guess winter will soon be here. I got up this morning and drove back to Watson. The truck thermometer showed -2 at one point. Its cold. BRRRRRR

Thanks to Sean for writing a blog entry. It was nice to hear what's been happening on the farm. It was further nice to read a perspective that was rural, and not urban.

I hate the race track. Its dirty, ugly, and dilapidated. I also have issue with the amount of alcohol consumed during the racing event. Its 10 degrees out, why are you morons drinking COLD beer!?! Sometimes I just don't understand people.

This is the worst time of year to drive, for me. On Friday nights driving into Saskatoon its right into the sun, and Monday mornings when I come back to Watson its again into the sun. I need a Darth Vader mask.

These are my points for the morning. Check back with me later for more hilarity. Toodles!