Friday, August 19, 2005

Blog Question Of The Day:

Why exactly, is it that we are supposed to let the good times 'roll'?

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Blog Question Of The Day:

Does the Witness Relocation Program have a website or an email address?

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Now I'm a Hilary Duff fan, and I don't want to be negative but . . .

Hilary needs to gain a couple of pounds.
I had reason to be at our new shop this morning. My builder had a question for me, and requested that I travel over to take a look. It was no hardship for me so I got on the pedal bike and scurried over.

On the way back I had reason to take notice of my surroundings. Looking up the road from our new building, I took note of the fact that the street my new house is on, is a mere block and a half from the new shop. Now I will have absolutely no excuse for not walking/biking to work. For a distance so short, it would be grotesquely wasteful to not travel the span by a human-powered means.
Can someone explain to me why my computer would suddenly stop loading the Blogger page properly, and then just as mysteriously start displaying it properly again!?!

Monday, August 15, 2005

It's time.

I'm now in a bad mood. Its a slow, boring Monday out here in the middle of nowhere. We're just this side of bored out of our minds. There's an old classic on the TV tonight, Pump Up The Volume. A classic tale of teen angst from the classic period of my life. No one is chatting on the old chat box tonight, so I thought I'd log into my favorite game, World of Warcraft, for a couple hours of activity that ultimately leads nowhere.

And what am I repaid with, as I attempt to redeem the site access that I pay a pretty penny for? The god damn game will not allow me to log into the server that houses my characters. Oh, I can log into the game. But the server I need to connect to, where my characters are, and where all my friend play, that damn realm isn't even in the bloody list!!

What the hell is this crap!?! I give these people $15 a month for the privilege of letting me play a stupid game that does little more than steal from my bank account. And all I ask is that when I want to play, whenever that is, that the damn server is up and available for my use. But instead I get . . . this.

We end with a Blog Question Of The Day . . .

Should I cancel my World of Warcraft subscription?
Does anyone want to bring me a root beer?