Thursday, April 13, 2006

I'm sure this is probably getting old but I need something explained to me.

Why does the world care so much about the nature of Katie Holmes upcoming childbirth? Since when did stuff like this matter to us? So what if she wants to pay heed to the idiotic rituals of a half-baked excuse for a religion! This shouldn't be something with which we occupy our time, or our print media.

Yes, the concept of 'silent birth' is asinine. Or 'quiet birth' as the media has been forced to re-christen it, as their initial ravings on the subject were countered by proponents of Scientology. Is the 'religon' of Scientology stupid and moronic? Yes it is. But unless I'm mistaken we all agreed to leave persecution on the basis of religion behind us. It is unevolved to make fun of someone's pursuit of faith. Even if we think the faith is puerile and baseless.

Leave it alone. We shouldn't care if Katie Holmes wants to be duped. She's happy and I'm sure the child will be loved and well cared. If they want to foolhardily try and hold the passage in solemn reflection that's there business. Maybe it'll pay off and the baby won't cry as much when its small. Who are we to say it won't work?
I need something explained to me.

Why is it important that everything get shredded? I don't understand this. You give someone a shredder by their desk and every piece of paper they don't want anymore has to be shredded. Why!?! Can you not put it in a recycle bin and maybe use it as scrap paper? Or just leave it a refuse piece of paper? What's really accomplished by shredding it into little strips? I don't understand this.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Grant's Birthday Wish:

An honest kiss from a beautiful girl.
Blog Definition Of The Day:

Satyriaris - Uncontrollable sexual desire in a man's behavior

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Can someone please explain to me what the point would be of closed captioning American Idol?