Saturday, April 08, 2006

I was sitting in my living room yesterday at lunch looking for something to watch on TV. I don't get many channels at the current time because my satellite dish is improperly aligned. One channel I do get is WGN from Chicago. They were playing the Cubs season opener at Wrigley Field. This brought to mind for me the question, who should my MLB team be, now the the Expos have been cruelly excised.

Should I adopt the Chicago Cubs as MY team?

Friday, April 07, 2006

whack bag
I want to alert all of my blog readers to a culinary classic that for the most part remains hidden in obscurity, long from the lights of celebrity. And this which I speak of is the Quiznos beef deep sandwich. While an unassuming name, trust me friends when I tell you that the delight to the pallete is not to be overlooked. It is sheer delight to the senses. Quiznos has been strong on chicken sandwiches, and I've taken to their savory delights on many an occasion. Now the masters at Quiznos have trained their skills on the beef line of sandwiches. And their attempts have been an unqualified home run. I look forward to my next meal and the chance to sample another beef sandwich sure to thrill the senses, a prime rib sandwich.

That's all from me. Now its back to the kitchen for more scrumptiousness.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

And now, just for Cowan!

Blog Song Of The Day:

Chingy - Balla Baby
Blog Tip Of The Day:

If you need to e-mail someone at STC, don't put the word -pussy- in your email. Their spam filter will bounce it.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

I had a strange dream last night.

I was driving ATV's around Warman. I met my cousin Bruce for lunch at a Subway. Then afterwards I was just driving around Warman looking for the computer store he was supposed to be working in. But he took the afternoon to go golfing, so he wasn't there. The computer store turned out to be in the back of a drug store on a side street.

After that I ended up chasing these people on other ATV's that were devil worshippers. I was something like a police officer, but only for capturing satanists. I partied up with some other people and eventually we caught enough of them that we could have a softball game.

I'm not sure why we wanted to have a softball game but we did. We played on a field that was too small so everyone was hitting towering shots deep into the outfield. The 'home run' line was putting it over the railway track that was in the outfield.

The team I was on should have been the winner but we ended up way behind and needed 18 runs in the last two innings to force a tie. There were several people from my childhood on the team I was playing on. We were just coming up to bat in the second to last inning when I woke up.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Can anyone think of a cheap, easy way to get the elevation along the length of my driveway?
Blog Song Of The Day:

Neverending White Lights - This Longing