Friday, July 06, 2007

Blog Question Of The Day:

Why is it that every woman in popular music has a sequence in her music video that looks like it came straight out of the Spearmint Rhino?

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Dear TSN:

Please do not assign Rod Black to CFL football games. He doesn't just suck at the job of play-by-play announcement. His lack of skill transcends the description of sucking. Rod Black's ineptitude in this function approaches epic status.

Milt Stegall is one touchdown away from setting a new record for touchdowns scored in a career. Okay, we get it. So shut up already!! Having to listen to it, over and over again, just drives me into a rage that can only be described as psychotic. I want to kill something, anything just to make the constant phrase 'Milt Stegall' disappear from my brain. Its this incessant, pounding refrain of 'Milt Stegall, Milt Stegall, Milt Stegall'. The repetition assualts your senses with deliberate maliciousness until you are tearing at your scalp trying to make the voices stop.

So please, if you have any concern for the fans of the CFL that are watching your telecast, you will not assign Rod Black to the game. Because once Milt reaches his record, and he will reach it eventually, Rod will find some other inane statistic in the game on which to obsess. Which will bring back the voices to reverberate in our minds. And well adjusted or not, we will be turned into slobbering, monotonous oafs, constantly shouting 'Milt Stegall' or some other short, easily remembered catch phrase.

In closing I would like to again ask you, the brain-trust of TSN, to please not assign Rod Black to any more football games. Me, my fragile psyche, and the hundreds of thousands of other afflicted CFL fans would thank you.


CFL Fan #11105

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Blog Song Of The Day:

My Chemical Romance - Teenagers
"No pleasure, no rapture, no exquisite sin greater... than central air."

Monday, July 02, 2007

Blog Question Of The Day:

When Superman gets shot, why doesn't he at least end up with a hole in his costume?