Saturday, December 09, 2006

Chris's Indian name is Chris Boxoffries
What the hell is wrong with the Blades management?

Every time I go to a Blades game this year I get pissed off. I watch this intro video they had produced and I just get mad. This thing is junk. A total waste of time.

What's the fake French crap? I mean, come on! If you are determined to have your MC sound foreign, then for gawd sake hire someone who's actually foreign. They have this jack-ass introducing players and he's using the most sick-ass weak French (I think) accent that its just pathetic. I'm not French, never will be French, and don't pretend to be good at accents. But I have a feeling I could do as least as well as this asshole.
Can someone out there please explain something to me?

I went to Future Shop this morning. I decided to buy something last night but when I went to London Drugs they didn't have any in stock. I didn't get a really warm vibe from the London Drugs staff so I came home and checked Future Shop online for availability. They had some in stock so I decided to go there this morning, Saturday, to get one.

Its December. People are Christmas shopping. I knew Future Shop would be an absolute gong show. Consequently I got up early, so I could be at Future Shop for store opening. Or relatively close to it, because I didn't want to be one of those geeks that lines up to get into Future Shop. Future Shop opens at 10:00. I was there at 10:08.

It was a gong show. The damn store just opened and the lot was full. Not, lots of cars full but absolutely FULL. You couldn't find a place to park. People were surfing around in endless circles. I grabbed the very first spot I could find and got my business done.

What the hell is going on? How can Future Shop be THAT busy at 10:00 on a Saturday morning. I know its Christmas-time but COME ON!!! That was freakin' insane. I'm glad I didn't procrastinate until 10:30 or something or I'd likely have blown an o-ring or something.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

I went to the passport office today.

That was an experience. I got there before the office was supposed to open and there was already a line. A long line. A VERY long line. I came out the elevator and the passport office was to the right. I had to go left to get to the back of the line. I also had to take another left at the corner before I got to the back of the line. It seemed a bit unreal.

I took the opportunity to do some reading while I was in line. Unfortunately some of the people behind me could not be as accomodating. I had to listen, for over an hour, as some pretentious sow, who's major claim to fame was answering phones at a non-profit corporation, told an equally garrulous old guy how horrible it was that she was missing work to be in line. Fine, you think you're important. But what I don't get is how she expected anyone to believe that she needed a passport for work. Near as I could tell, from the several phone calls she made back to her office, they didn't seem to even care that she wasn't in that morning. That they might send her to another country to represent the organization seemed highly improbable.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Clerks II observation du jour:

Jay is wearing a regular baseball cap with the brim cut off.