Saturday, December 09, 2006

Can someone out there please explain something to me?

I went to Future Shop this morning. I decided to buy something last night but when I went to London Drugs they didn't have any in stock. I didn't get a really warm vibe from the London Drugs staff so I came home and checked Future Shop online for availability. They had some in stock so I decided to go there this morning, Saturday, to get one.

Its December. People are Christmas shopping. I knew Future Shop would be an absolute gong show. Consequently I got up early, so I could be at Future Shop for store opening. Or relatively close to it, because I didn't want to be one of those geeks that lines up to get into Future Shop. Future Shop opens at 10:00. I was there at 10:08.

It was a gong show. The damn store just opened and the lot was full. Not, lots of cars full but absolutely FULL. You couldn't find a place to park. People were surfing around in endless circles. I grabbed the very first spot I could find and got my business done.

What the hell is going on? How can Future Shop be THAT busy at 10:00 on a Saturday morning. I know its Christmas-time but COME ON!!! That was freakin' insane. I'm glad I didn't procrastinate until 10:30 or something or I'd likely have blown an o-ring or something.

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