Friday, March 07, 2003

I'm getting a new office. There has been talk of it for a few days now but Murray made it official this morning. He told me I was moving. The situation is this. Clarence is moving across town to our production shop. He is taking his computer, which I've put a wireless network card into (that works real slick) and vacating his office here. Kim is moving across the building, from behind the counter, to next to the front door, to more easily handle consumers. Since Kim's office slightly bigger, and not in the direct line of customer view, that's where I'm going. I get a window, more room. I think its a winning situation all around.

My mom had to go to emergency last night. It was a kind of messed up situation. I left to get some food for this weekend's festivities at Sean in Regina. I don't know if I was gone a half an hour. When I come back my mom is sitting on the steps going downstairs to the den/family room. She's got vomit all over her, there's a big pile of it on the floor. Her head is lolling over my dad's hand as he's holding her up while on the phone with 9-1-1 with the other. I walk in on this and I don't know what the hell is going on.

The paramedics show up after a few minutes, I don't know exactly how many as the entire episode seemed to happen in a fast moment, and an eternity at the same time. I guess I could have taken from the deliberateness of their actions that things weren't too serious. The paramedics didn't seem panicked or in a hurry or anything. I suppose that was a good sign but at the time I didn't really stop to ponder it. I did notice there were way too many damn people in the house. The ambulance showed up and two guys came in with medical equipment and started to try and figure out what was going on. A couple minutes later about 5 more guys showed up and all they managed to do was get in the way. The pathway from the front door to downstairs, or even into the living room is fairly streamlined, and not that conducive to large volume traffic.

Eventually they put her on a stretcher and took her out to the ambulance. By the time they'd got her on the stretcher she was already getting more coherent, and seemed to be getting better. She was answering questions and managed to tell the paramedics that she wanted to go to University Hospital. Dad and I cleaned up while they did whatever they were doing out in the ambulance, in front of the house. Eventually they drove away and a couple minutes later my dad followed.

There isn't much left to the story after that. I waited at home for news while dad waited at the hospital. I found my sister and told her what was going on. She came over and we waited for news together. Dad phoned once and said they were doing tests and there were no results, but she looked and felt better. He came home at another point to get her some clean clothes as she felt better and was likely coming home. He phoned a little while later and said the first tests were back with inconclusive results and now they were doing more tests and x-rays. I didn't understand the x-ray part. There was no answer on what was wrong but she looked and felt much better. Finally, at midnight Dad called and said Mom was okay, the tests came back good, and she was coming home.

The conclusion? Dad gave me the phrase 'vagus nerve reaction'. The explanation of that was, after a trauma (Mom had eye surgery recently) the vagus nerve can be irritated and it causes the desire to vomit, along with nausea. Blood pressure drops and you get the dizzy feeling Mom experienced. I looked up 'vagus nerve' on the internet this morning and its this fairly influential nerve that runs from the brain stem to many vital organs in the chest, including being connected to the digestive system. It seems like a plausible explanation, after reading about what the vagus nerve us.

So that was my night. I didn't get to sleep until about 1:00, and getting up at 6:00 has made me very tired. I question how productive I will be today. However, I will perservere. Thank you to all that I spoke to last night (Kevin, Sean and Greg in particular) for the support and kind words. They were appreciated. It seems to have just been an episode that has left no lingering affects. Mom seemed fine again this morning.

Have good day peoples. Toodles!

Wednesday, March 05, 2003

"You gotta grow man. Don't you ever want anything more for yourself? I know this poor, hapless son of a bitch does. I look into his sorry doe eyes and I just, I see a man crying out. He's crying out, when lord? When the fuck can your servant ditch this foul mouthed little chucklehead, to whom I am a constant victim of his folly, so much so that it prevents me from ever getting to kiss a girl. Fuck! When Lord, when? When's gon' be my time!"

Tuesday, March 04, 2003

I have a pet peeve. Maybe this is just particular to me, and everyone else does it differently but nonetheless it irritates the hell out of me.

MSN Messenger (aren't all my probably in some way connected to Microsoft!?!) imports your contact list to the contacts area in Outlook Express. This is a good feature, if it actually freakin' worked. When you install the program, it adds all the contacts to your address book in Outlook Express and that's where it stops. You can change your online name in MSN Messenger, but it doesn't update in your Outlook Express contact list.

Perhaps I'm just a feeb and there is a way to fix this. I always prefer ranting about the evils of Microsoft first. In any event, in the incarnation that is operating on my computers, Outlook Express does not update my MSN contacts and it irritates me. That is all.

Sorry for not posting yesterday. It was kind of a weird day. I was answering questions from a consulting engineer in Saskatoon. I spent nearly the whole day, yesterday, writing emails. I'd meticulously craft a response to this guy's question, send it off, then get another batch of questions about a half hour later. I must have written 5 emails to this engineer yesterday. I think I finally got my point explained to him. I got a reply this morning that said he understood my point now.

I didn't have a good night last night. I woke up a bunch of times. I even had to get up and go to the bathroom, which almost never happens. I couldn't tell you why it was such a chaotic night. I do know that I kept having this irrational fear that I was going to oversleep and be late for work. Of course I wasn't late for work, and instead woke myself a bunch of times overnight. I hate when I do that.

My new favorite emoticon is 8-|

I'm downloading new music like a crazy man lately. The endless cycle of the same CD's in my truck was driving me nuts. I have downloaded 5 albums in the past 4 work days. I'm a crazy man!!! I'm also a thief but I'm comfortable with it. I wouldn't otherwise listen to this music so its not like anyone is out any money. I wouldn't have bought the CD's so I didn't really cost the artists, or the record company, any money. I am thinking of buying some CD's but I never seem to end up at the record store. I wanna get the Pearl Jam album and I think there's a Tragically Hip album that I don't have. I think I'll have to make an effort to go to the store one of these weekends. I never seem to manage all of my differing priorities very well. 8-|
