Saturday, February 04, 2006

Blog Question Of The Day:

If you're the only person on a boat, and its about to sink, do you have to go down with it?

Friday, February 03, 2006

Things That Piss Me Off:

The Kiss Cam

Who's genius idea is this? Let's turn the camera on unsuspecting people in the audience of a hockey game and make them engage in a public display of affection! This is an idea with no down side.


What if the couple you feature aren't even there together, but just happen to be seated next to each other? It could happen.

What if the couple is actually sitting next to each other, pointedly ignoring each other because they were arguing about some spilled chili fries?

What if they NEVER kiss in public?

What if she's underage and its a felony? Or he's underage and its a misdemeanor and a $50 fine?

Referring back to reason number one, what if its your buddies girlfriend and you've always harbored a huge crush on her, like that song Jesse's Girl?

What if they're really clueless enough to not realize they're on the JumboTron?

What if the couple is just embarassingly bad kissers?

There's about 603 more reasons why the Kiss Cam is a bad idea, but I think I've successfully argued my point. This is just another example of stupidity brought to us by the people self-appointed to be 'cute'. They make me want to vomit.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Things That Piss Me Off:

I was riding along to Winnipeg on Monday night. It was late when we were approaching the city and the night was pitch black. The radio was our only entertainment and we were noting good songs so I could make a compilation CD for the guy that was doing the driving.

For the most part I knew the singer/band and the title of the songs that were coming up. However they played a new one that I'd never heard before. But do you think that they'd pause between songs to name the artist and song title, so I could put it on the list?


I hate that. The one time you need them to tell you the song title and they skip it. I wish there could be a rule that they couldn't play a song without telling you the artist and title, either before or after the song played.

Monday, January 30, 2006

Had Star Wars been made 10 years later, don't you think Bruce Willis would have made for an outstanding Han Solo?