Saturday, June 30, 2012

The Daily Photo(s) (2012-06-30)

The Daily Photo(s)

1.  Unexpectedly light attendance at the beach today:

2.  A view of the beach from under the Circle Drive Bridge

3.  Looking down the pedestrian bridge, under the Circle Drive Bridge

4.  Just a nice photo of the river

5.  My friends the geese

The Daily Affirmation (2012-06-30)

The Daily Affirmation

1.  The hour-long bike ride I had today renewed my spirits.

2.  I got my first 10 on Goals Achieved in a week

La Connexion Francaise (2012-06-30)

La Connexion Francaise

1.  Mon bras me fait

2.  J'adore cola.

Blog Question(s) Of The Day (2012-06-30)

Blog Question(s) Of The Day

1. Would I be happier if someone gave me a gift?

2.  Is it wrong that I use my iMac as a reading lamp?

3. Is everyone vulnerable?

A dream (2012-06-30)

I found myself at a motel to the south of the city.  Its not immediately clear to me why I needed to stay at a motel when I was so close to home.  Yet in my sense of the moment, there was a reason why I was here.

However the immediate purpose for my stay was to jog.  A pair of girls were jogging up the road as I pulled into the site.  They were both stunning blonde, of the type usually reserved for people of the Swedish persuasion.  They had long hair, pulled tight in a pony tail.  They were wearing non-descript white t-shirts and black socks.  They almost looked like they were ready to play soccer, as they were wearing long socks, but that was only an appearance thing, and they were clearly just jogging for the exercise of it.

I checked into the motel, deposited my stuff in the room, then stepped out into the gravel parking lot.  The two girls I had observed jogging as I pulled in were just finishing their last lap as I walked onto the gravel.  We looked at each other, them as they ran the last fifty yards down the driveway, and I as I stood there deciding my course of action.  The closer girl gave me a kind of shy smile as they trotted past me towards the room.  It was a half-way hello, but at the same time nervous smile wondering what my intentions were.

Whatever my secondary purpose, I knew why I was standing there.  I'd come for the run.  So I stepped forward, one foot in front of the other, on the hard gravel road.

I had come to run here.  I checked into the motel for a different reason, but why I was here in this moment was to run.  In a way that I couldn't process, I was replicating what the two girls had just run.  The first part was up a long, dead-straight driveway, which was far longer than there was any practical reason for it to be.  Then it turned left at a T intersection, and up another hard-packed gravel road to the highway.  Stop at that point, then return to the motel.  This path was repeated five times.

In a disturbingly omniscient way, somehow I knew the footsteps the girls had placed on the gravel.  I could see rocks among the gravel they had disturbed.  Even within the moment I was unsettled about how I could know this.

I returned to the motel but instead of going to my room I was drawn to activity in the room the two blonde's had entered.  There seemed to be a commotion.  I walked over to see what was the problem.

Two guys burst out of the room.  They were punk-looking, like you would envision from the movies two poor, low-level criminals might look like.  Chasing behind them was a fat, older guy, struggling to put on his clothes.  From amongst the fumble of clothes he pulled a pistol and began firing at the two punks.

Everyone jumped into cars and took off down the road.  Everything was occurring at break-neck speed but there seemed to be a reason for all this urgency.  The car chase ended in a maze of large concrete, monolithic buildings that it was easy imagine being government in origin.  The two punks burst into one of the dozen buildings that all looked the same.  They were carrying a manilla file folder with them that seemed to be the cause of all this panic.

The fat guy went into the building looking for the two punks.  His gun was drawn.  But it was all just a huge maze and he lost the trail.  Now that his clothes were all on it was apparent from the medals on his chest that he was some kind of high-level military officer.

The fat man ended up on one of the upper floors, still looking for the two punks.  But the punks got the drop on him and after throwing the manilla envelope down a floor vent, they ambushed him in a grey, nondescript room on an upper floor.  There was a scuffle and in it the fat man lost his gun.  Then he lost his life as one of the punks shot him in the chest.  The two punks left him there and dove out a window.

The two punks had some ridiculous ability to not die while falling multiple floors.  Incredibly they managed to stop their fall after several floors by hooking a string that appeared to have no more strength than that of yarn, on this tight netting that appeared to drape the entire front of the building.  However when sirens came calling they jettisoned themselves from this screen and fell the rest of the way, many floors, like flying squirrels.  Falling to the ground they rolled to their feet.  Opening the nearby floor vent they retrieved their manilla envelope again.

Hoping on black motorcycles the pair sped off again.  Somehow I knew it was back to the motel.  They authorities were none the wiser.

The Daily Affirmation (2012-06-30)

The Daily Affirmation

1.  I love poppy seed buns

Friday, June 29, 2012

Blog Question(s) Of The Day (2012-06-29)

Blog Question(s) Of The Day

1.  Why am I unnaturally drowsy?

2.  Should I start a new textbook or re-do a previous one for better comprehension?

Today I Learned . . . (2012-06-29)

Today I Learned . . .

1.  In a regulation soccer game, only two substitutions are allowed, and any player that you substituted for can't return to action.

2. Cerebral palsy is a brain disorder that affects motor skills but not mental functioning

The Daily Photo(s) (2012-06-29)

The Daily Photo(s)

1.  The second home

The Daily Affirmation (2012-06-29)

The Daily Affirmation

1.  My co-workers and I made a delicious pre-long weekend quasi-BBQ for lunch today.

2.  Dillon finally got our UF model to look the way I want

La Connexion Francaise (2012-06-29)

La Connexion Francaise

Je dois rester a le bureau.  Je suis triste.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Daily Photo(s) (2012-06-27)

The Daily Photo(s)

1.  Its not exactly what I wanted but it'll satisfy the craving

La Connexion Francaise (2012-06-28)

La Connexion Francaise

1.  Je suis revenu a la maison.  Je ne joue pas a la soccer.

The Daily Affirmation (2012-06-28)

The Daily Affirmation

1.  It is amazing how a terrible day can be followed by a great day, with no intervening occurence to make it happen.

Blog Question(s) Of The Day (2012-06-28)

Blog Question(s) Of The Day

1.  Is it more noble to seek a physical remedy to a pain problem than a pharmaceutical one?

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Daily Photo(s) (2012-06-27)

The Daily Photo(s)

1.  Sometimes I get fascinated by the smallest things

A day in the skies

This was me, hoping against hope that I'd get to play slo-pitch this evening

7:37 AM

8:02 AM

8:34 AM

9:40 AM

10:09 AM

10:31 AM

11:01 AM

11:58 AM

1:33 PM

2:31 PM

3:37 PM

4:36 PM

5:07 PM

5:27 PM

The Daily Affirmation (2012-06-27)

The Daily Affirmation

1.  Its now ten past six and its still raining.  Though I'm disappointed to miss the game, I made the right call on cancelling the slo-pitch game tonight.

2.  Despite the poor quality of my day, I managed to put a non-zero value into every column of my tracking sheet

Blog Question(s) Of The Day (2012-06-27)

Blog Question(s) Of The Day

1.  How can I make my arm stop hurting?

2.  Is hard work its own reward?

La Connexion Francaise (2012-06-27)

La Connexion Francaise

1.  Il fait du vent et il pleut.

2.  Je suis de mauvaise humeur,

Today I Learned . . . (2012-06-27)

Today I Learned . . .

1.  You can not circumscribe a regulation slo-pitch diamond (including outfield fence) over a regulation soccer field, and have the skinned infield and the outfield fence outside the soccer field.

2.  Bray butterfly valves have shorter handles than Keystone butterfly valves.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

La Connexion Francaise (2012-06-26)

La Connexion Francaise

1.  Il a pleut.

The Daily Photo(s) (2012-06-26)

The Daily Photo(s)

1.  After the storm passed


The Daily Affirmation (2012-06-26)

The Daily Affirmation

1.  Massive amounts of people lost their power tonight but I was not one of them.

2.  They didn't charge me for looking at my tires today.

Blog Question(s) Of The Day (2012-06-26)

Blog Question(s) Of The Day

1.  Why am I having so much trouble with fatigue lately?  I thought I was supposed to be getting more fit.

Blog Question(s) Of The Day (2012-06-25)

Blog Question(s) Of The Day:

1.  How do I maintain and promote intensity when my natural inclination is to fall back, observe, and look for only one or two chances?

Monday, June 25, 2012

The Daily Photo(s) (2012-06-25)

The Daily Photo(s)

1.  Froster by street light

2.  A pretty tame storm

The Daily Affirmation (2012-06-25)

The Daily Affirmation

1.  You are never more relieved than when you get that giant piece of food from between two teeth at the back of your mouth.

2.  The Shockers pulled off an epic shoot-out win to close the regular season of Spring 2012 ball hockey!

3.  No pleasure, no rapture, no exquisite sin greater... than central air. 

La Connexion Francaise (2012-06-25)

La Connexion Francaise

1.  J'ai besoin de fourchette pour la gateau.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

The Daily Photo(s) (2012-06-24)

The Daily Photo(s)

1.  Is it a soccer centre parking lot?

Or is it a moon scape?

2.  This is what ball hockey looks like from the top of my shoes

La Connexion Francaise (2012-06-24)

La Connexion Francaise

1.  Je fais du cyclisme aujourd'hui.  Je vais quatorze kilometers.

2.  Je ne dors pas ce soir.

Today I Learned . . . (2012-06-24)

Today I Learned . . .

1.  The Saskatoon Correctional Center has a large garden

2.  Famous mathematician Euler is pronouced OIL-er and not YOU-ler

The Daily Affirmation (2012-06-24)

The Daily Affirmation

1.  Someone noticed my Expos jersey.

2.  I gave a really great effort tonight in ball hockey

Blog Question(s) Of The Day (2012-06-24)

Blog Question(s) Of  The Day

1.  Why is my motivation level so low?

2.  Why am I having so much trouble with dry mouth lately?

3.  Why are the English always so terrible in international soccer?

4.  Is it possible to go 100% paperless for bills/statements, and yet still get adequate reminders that its time to pay?

5.  How is it they can instantly take the money from my account to pay my credit card bill, but they can't instantly record that against the balance on my credit card bill?

6.  How is it people that are married or attached can experience attractions that make them stray, while I'm single and looking, and I experience nothing that spikes my heart rate?

La Connexion Francaise (2012-06-23)

La Connexion Francaise

1.  J'ai dors.