Saturday, March 25, 2006

Who picked the size of the perforations on a roll of toilet paper? Did you ever take a look at how small one square of toilet paper is? I had some time to contemplate this question this evening. I looked into it. One square of toilet paper is approximately the size of a Post-It note. A Post-It note!!! How can you get any business done with that much paper?

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Things That Piss Me Off:

I really hate when you watch curling and they say 'Good shot' after every throw. Some of the shots are absolutely abysmal. Don't say 'good shot' when they've totally carped it! You don't have to call them a loser, but at least spare me the damn 'good shot' comment when you've given up a steal of three.
I've made a decision.

The Ottawa Renegades need me.

The CFL can't afford to have the Ottawa franchise disappear from the landscape again. And there's absolutely no reason why it should. There is nothing about the Ottawa situation that makes it especially prone to losing vast sums of money. I place the blame for their woeful situation squarely on the owners. If you piss away millions of dollars then of course you're going to have monumental losses. Its all about careful planning.

I love the CFL. Call it bush league but I think the brand of football is exciting, and I've always rooted for its underdog nature. Now I want to be a part. I'm not a millionaire, or someone that can root out millions of dollars from the woodwork to cover vast losses. I'm just a guy that loves the CFL, is a prudent fiscal planner, and truly believes in his product. So why not me? Give me the team and let me see if I can't make this work. Everything is there for a successful franchise. Let's give it a shot.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Can you make peanut butter if you put peanuts in a blender?
I have successfully navigated my way into my garage.