Saturday, January 06, 2018

Act of Caring (2018-01-06)

Act of Caring

I cleaned up in the dining room this afternoon, took care of my laundry, and put away some of the random supplies lying around the house.

The Daily Affirmation (2018-01-06)

The Daily Affirmation

I got my NLL TV app working on my iPhone.

Today I Learned . . . (2018-01-06)

Today I Learned . . .

Its takes 1:16 to drive from the Macs to my house.

La Connexion Francaise (2018-01-06)

La Connexion Francaise

un cadeau = gift
le bonheur = happiness
débuter = to start
se faire = to take place
le plaisantin = joker
vis-à-vis = towards
eurent (avoir) = to have
puisque = since
accrocher = to hang
en cachette = in secret
découper = to cut out
s'appliquer = make an effort
se laisser = to let oneself
un jeu = in the game
débordant = wild
un courrier = mail, letters
un impôt = tax
autant de = as many
se méfier = be wary of, watch out for
s'ècrier = to exclaim
se rendre compte = become aware
répandu(e) = widespread
d'usage = usual
justement = actually
ensuite = then
une époque = time
au frai = spawning
un hareng = herring

Dénombrement en français

Le chien est klaxonner.

Thursday, January 04, 2018

Blog Question Of The Day (2018-01-04)

Blog Question Of The Day

How am I going to get all this cat hair off my heating pad?

Today I Learned . . . (2018-01-04)

Today I Learned . . .

I can add 0.7 C (2930 J) of heat energy to a 1 L bottle of water by shaking in for 60 seconds.

The Daily Affirmation (2018-01-04)

The Daily Affirmation

While I was out on my afternoon walk around the Sasktel Centre industrial area, I found a $5 bill on the ground.

La Connexion Francaise (2018-01-04)

La Connexion Francaise

plus de = more than
devenir = to become
au fil de temps = as time goes by
avoir lieu = to occur
court = short
s'amuser = to have fun
lendemain = next
partager = share
au moins = least
sur = on
gratuit = free
toucher = to reach
au moins = at least
d'ailleurs = besides
ringard = tacky, out-of-date
dépassé = outdated
renaitre = to start again
assister = to witness
témoigner = to witness
malgré tout = regardless
lieu = place
affrontement = confrontation
afin de = in order to
incontournable = indispensable, unmissable

Dénombrement en français

Que mon cul est blessé est incontournable.

Wednesday, January 03, 2018

Act of Caring (2018-01-03)

Act of Caring

I took out the garbage and the recycling tonight.

Today I Learned . . . (2018-01-03)

Today I Learned . . .

Saskatoon tap water was 4.8 C today.

Blog Question Of The Day (2018-01-03)

Blog Question Of The Day

How much heat energy are you putting into a bottle of iced tea, made from powder, by shaking it for 1 minute?

Why are kettle cooked chips crunchier than regular chips?

La Connexion Francaise (2018-01-03)

La Connexion Francaise

vbrer = vibrate
vivant(e) = lively
dimanche = Sunday
comment = how?
lointain(es) = far off, distant
lever = lift
la chair = flesh
le Carême = Lent
le manque = deficiency
au delà = beyond
rappeler = to remember
un défilé = parade
un char = float
celui = the one
une caisse claire = side drum
une plume = feather
chatoyant = shimmering
un concours = contest
élire = to elect, choose
cacher = hide
un singe = monkey
un sorcière = witch
un tambour = drum
tendre = stretch
plus proche ... que = closer than
un élément = item
une feuillage = foliage, leaves
soutenu = steady
un fouet = whip
jeudi = Thursday
reprendre = start again
la moitié = half

Dénombrement en français

Demain est jeudi.

Tuesday, January 02, 2018

Blog Question Of The Day (2018-01-02)

Blog Question Of The Day

How did I get on a mailing list for training programs in Kuala Lumpur?

La Connexion Francaise (2018-01-02)

La Connexion Francaise

un syndicat = labor union
un grève = strike
plus tard = later
ounrier = worker
verrez - (voir) = to see
le muguet = lily of the valley
une porte-bonheur = a lucky charm
un brin = sprig
cueillir = to pick
ce jour-là = that day
un proche = relative

Dénombrement en français

Je promenaderai ce apres-midi.

Monday, January 01, 2018

Today I Learned . . . (2018-01-01)

Today I Learned . . .

It is a 14-minute round trip to the Brick from my house.

La Connexion Francaise (2018-01-01)

La Connexion Francaise

marquer = to mark
vouloir dir = to mean
devoir = to have to, must
surtoit = mainly
devenir = to become
partir = to leave
le deuil = mourning
revenir = to come back
une poule = hen
un lapin = rabbit
rencontrer = to come across
un coin = corner
une cloche = a bell

Dénombrement en français

Je n'entendre pas une cloche.

Sunday, December 31, 2017

La Connexion Francaise (2017-12-31)

La Connexion Francaise

dérouler = to take place
la mairie = town hall
selon = according to
la croyance = belief
bénir = to bless
unir = to unite
devant = in front of
tel que = such as
entre = among
le secours = help, rescur
avenir = future
souhaiter = to wish
pendant = while
la clôture = end
souvent = often
solennelle = formal
un accueil = welcome
désormais = from now on
le témoin = witness
la sortie = exit
entraînante = lively
au-dessus = above
un vin d'honneur = reception
proches = close
poursuivre = to continue
chacun = each
clément = mild
propices à = favorable
plusieurs = several
raconter = to tell
trébucher = to stumble
porter = to carry
franchir = to cross
le seuil = doorstep
ressortir = to go out again

Dénombrement en français

À la clôture of l'an, je souhaite accueiller l'an nouveau et j'espére que je ne trébucher pas.