Saturday, May 06, 2006

Blog Question Of The Day:

Why do I always wish for things that are completely impractical?

Friday, May 05, 2006

Things That Piss Me Off

Some idiot gave me a parking ticket today. And the annoying thing about that is, it wasn't for having an expired meter. This model citizen took it upon himself to write me up for having expired tags on my license plate. I guess he hadn't been able to tag anyone for a real parking ticket that hour, so to make his quota he had to write me up on a trumped up charge. Granted, somewhere along the line my sticker for Nov 06 fell off, but still I think its awfully chicken-hearted to go outside of his duly appointed duty just to mess up my day. Yes, its probably within his discretion to write the ticket but let's be real. He's supposed to be writing parking tickets not fleecing the masses for any indescretion he might realize. Is this the same jerk that's going to flag me down for a jaywalking ticket.

People are idiots.

Monday, May 01, 2006

I have a question.

Why have all the essential PC utilities gotten so incredibly bloated? I was on a new computer today and needed to open a PDF file. I went online to get Acrobat Reader. Its a freakin' 21 MB download! What the hell is that? I just want to read a PDF. What the hell was wrong with the simple, basic package that let me do that?

This has gotten out of control. Stop plugging up the software with useless crap! Leave it simple and basic so it doesn't take an hour to download. Geesh!