Saturday, May 21, 2005

I'm watching a disaster movie this afternoon. This one is a volcano movie. Its the standard story, mountain is about to blow its top but everyone is oblivious. A small group of people who understand are doing a Chicken Little shtick, but as usual it falls on deaf ears until its too late.

These two people are stuck up near the peak of the impending eruption. The lava flows have begun and they're being chased down repeatedly bad alternatives. We just had the very cliche, cross a river of lava on a tree that conveniently spans the crevice through which lava flows. (Just as an aside, couldn't they just ONCE be less cliche about it, and make the plucky survivors build their own little bridge over the lava?)

I mention all of this to ask a question. Which, I suspect, will tie into the Star Wars movie I'm hoping to see soon.

How long would it take to die, if you fell in a pool of molten lava?
Please put me down in the, Kate Beckinsale fan, column.
Can we please do something to make sure that Will Ferrell isn't allowed to have a musical number in all of the comedies in which he appears?

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Okay, I gotta say something. There's no way I can let this stand without making a comment.

Joni Mitchell is how you close your show!?! Come on! After 100 years of existence, with all the greatness, and talent that we've produced, we close our centenary show with Joni Mitchell!?! Yeah, she had a hit or two but please!

I'm offended. I'm shocked even. We could have covered any one of a number of different achievers. We've exported everything that we ever discovered had talent.

I can't even think straight.

Joni Mitchell!?!
Blog Poll Of The Day:

Which Quentin Tarantino movie was better?

Pulp Fiction
Kill Bill

Wednesday, May 18, 2005


What does P.S. stand for?

I hate when I type 'know' when I intend to use the word 'now'
It was raining.

I rode my pedal bike.

The clothes I was wearing were not water resistant.

Rain soaked me to the skin.

I did not die.

Monday, May 16, 2005

Blog Question Of The Day:

Is it called soy sauce because its made of soy or because its intended to make soy products edible?
I wish to try an experiment.

Amongst the 19 dozen thoughts I've had today, I had an idea for something interesting. I'm sure you've all experienced the phenomenon of that new song coming on the radio, and instantly liking. Like all songs though, eventually you get tired of it. What about if you took that idea to its extreme. Pick a new song from the radio, something you really like. Listen to it, repeatedly, until you were sick of it.

For this people, I will need some help.

One, what should the song be?

Two, what is your guess for the number of repeats, until it is irritating?
Blog Survey Of The Day:

What is a word that you wish you could use in a sentence, on a more frequent basis?

Grant's entry = synonym
Blog Wager Of The Day:

Will I develop a stress-induced headache today?

Odds to be laid, after an examination of bets placed.