Saturday, May 21, 2005

I'm watching a disaster movie this afternoon. This one is a volcano movie. Its the standard story, mountain is about to blow its top but everyone is oblivious. A small group of people who understand are doing a Chicken Little shtick, but as usual it falls on deaf ears until its too late.

These two people are stuck up near the peak of the impending eruption. The lava flows have begun and they're being chased down repeatedly bad alternatives. We just had the very cliche, cross a river of lava on a tree that conveniently spans the crevice through which lava flows. (Just as an aside, couldn't they just ONCE be less cliche about it, and make the plucky survivors build their own little bridge over the lava?)

I mention all of this to ask a question. Which, I suspect, will tie into the Star Wars movie I'm hoping to see soon.

How long would it take to die, if you fell in a pool of molten lava?

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