Friday, May 23, 2003

I had another perplexing dream last night. This pattern of being awakened by ridiculous dreams is starting to get on my nerves. I need a decent sleep and I keep screwing myself out of one.

Last night/this morning I dreamed that I woke up at 6:30. I had the part of the dream where I rolled over and looked at the clock, and it was 6:30. I must have awakened myself by this image because after that I lay there, thinking the alarm clock would go off soon. I waited and waited and waited and it didn't go off. So I rolled over again and it was just after 5:00. AARRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!

Grant's Kitchen Tip #1: The key to making a tasty Caesar salad is, adequate dressing, parmesan cheese and bacon bits.


Thursday, May 22, 2003

Musings on another road trip . . .

There is a lot of bugs in nature already. I don't remember there being this many bugs, this early in the summer season.

Orange Slurpees may be the best flavor of Slurpee. Sprite Ice makes a good Slurpee flavor too.

I really enjoy p'zones from Pizza Hut.

My truck gets respectable gas mileage. I think though, that after all these highways miles lately, it would be a good idea for me to have it to a proper mechanic for a once over, and tune-up. I gotta stop ruling it to the razor edge before filling it with gas though. There were tense moments coming back to Brandon this morning.

Driving is very boring. It can be real hard to keep yourself awake and alert when you drive a long way. I had to stop on the way back today and get my wits about me.

There are SO many things that go through your mind when you have nothing to do but think. I'm not sure that's even healthy. The trouble is, you can't write anything down because you're driving. If a person could document all the thoughts, good and bad, that they had while driving, it would probably amaze them to realize afterward the abilities they have.

Chicken Chef makes a good hamburger.

I'm old. They had a show on Star! last night about Sixteen Candles. That movie is almost 20 years old. I remember watching it. That makes me old. Interesting show though. Reminded me of some things from the 80's, both good and bad. I suppose its not terrible to visit your past from time to time.

The damn Days Inn Brandon has made the internet access in the hotel rooms a pay service now. $8.00!!! Okay, its better than some places but you're never more indignant than when someone sticks a price on something you used to get for free.

I heartily endorse Audioslave as a musical choice.

That's about all I can think of. Like I said, all the good stuff you think about on the road, you forget once you climb out of the vehicle.


Wednesday, May 21, 2003

I"m pissed off. I was queued at 23 for my Weird Science movie. I told the computer to eject my Backup CD and it rebooted the computer. Thus, I lost my connection on the movie. Now I'm stuck with no spot in the download list.
Now for a real post.

I had yet another crappy night of sleep. This is becoming an all too familiar pattern. Its not even insomnia because I've had that and its different from this. I think its stress. I think too much going to sleep, have stupid, weird dreams while I'm asleep, and then wake up at different points in the night, usually having to get up to go to the bathroom since I'm awake. This sleep thing is a good indicator of stress and my right eye has been twitching for a week. That's a really good indicator of stress for me. When I'm under pressure, I get this nervous twitch that makes my eye flinch. I hate it but like any twitch you can't control it. I think I need to relax a little.

I hate closed doors. My boss closed his door this morning, ostensibly to talk on the phone. I don't know that for certain but that's my guess. I hate closed doors. I always get real paranoid and think something bad is about to happen to me. I'm paranoid by nature but that only serves to accentuate the problem. Again we come back to the 'need to relax' place.

For those of you that read the blog, a shout out to my sister. She informed me last night that she got herself a brand spanking new promotion. Any of you that are capable of sending her a congrats should do so at your next earliest convenience. I gave her one last night but here's a public one for her to enjoy. Way to go Pooh Bear!!!

Let's see how this works. I decided to change the blog layout this morning. What is the opinion of my readership?

Tuesday, May 20, 2003

I"m watching a new Dennis Miller comedy special on Movie Central. Dennis Miller IS the funniest comedian I've ever seen!!!