Tuesday, January 16, 2007

You know, I try to suffer people with a smile. Even though on a regular basis they frustrate and annoy me. But there are times when no amount of gentle patience will make you ignore someone's idiocy.

This pinhead (and I use the word accurately) comes up to the bar tonight and wants a double rye. I don't phrase this as, asks for a double rye, he all but demanded it. We are not allowed to serve doubles. Its in the liquor license for the building. The actual text of the statement is something like, drinks must not contain more than 5% by volume. Even the biggest of lunkheads should be able to do the math that a 40% by volume rye whiskey needs to be diluted with something to make it a 5% alcoholic drink.

Of course this jackass is completely self-absorbed and won't see his way clear to understand the rules. He's an alcoholic idiot and wants a double shot of rye with nothing to get in the way of his liver being shriveled to something resembling a prune. He wants what he wants and we're supposed to accomodate him, despite the rules.

My first question is, if you're this much of a drunkard, why not stay home and drink the damn Jack Daniels straight from the bottle, like any other reasonable person might drink a Gatorade? If your life is so predicated on the consumption of alcohol in extreme volumes, then please do us a favor and lock yourself in and get the death by alcohol finished. Spare us the abrasiveness of your panting fury for alcohol.

What I can't grasp, and will probably struggle with until the day I die, is how you can behave as if the rules don't apply to you. The principle of the 'mixed drink' was plainly explained to him, including the percent by volume. Still he persisted in the absurd rationale that we should ignore the 'rules' because he wanted a pair of double whiskeys. Why!?! How come this was so damnably important to him? Why couldn't he drink a drink like a normal person.

And this happens all the time. Its not contained to this one, specific incident. Lots of people come up and immediately ask for a double. These individuals too, are habitual drunks that should really look into their behaviour before much longer passes. However the majority of people that ask for a double will acquiesce and accept the two singles in compensation. But every once in awhile a belligerent idiot will come along and insist that he should be granted a double shot of alcohol in a single cup. And this insistence will persist beyond all reason. I don't get it and I doubt I will ever understand.

P.S. And for the record, the concert sucked ass.