Saturday, May 22, 2010

Sooo. . . .

How's that May long weekend camping going?
If I ever make a Youtube video that is one image, or even a small collection of related images, all backed by the audio of a song by a popular artist, I hope someone will have the decency to put me out of my misery.
Its time for a rant.

What the Christ is wrong with people that post utterly useless shit on the internet? I mean, COME ON!

I'm chasing Alanis clips tonight (don't ask why because frankly I forget how i got on the topic). Anyway, I click the next video in the list for her song 'Uninvited'. It looks legitimate, as if its going to be concert footage.

Its the song, with a static image of Alanis in the video screen.

Why in the bloody hell are you wasting our lives with this complete horse shit!?! If I just click the next one in the list, its the legitimate video from whenever the hell the movie 'City of Angels' was in theatres. So if the honest video for the song is on Youtube, why are you wasting server space somewhere with a god damn recording of the audio, and a static fucking image?




Its not creative. Its not serving any useful purpose. It just exists to feed your pathetic, meaningless ideal that you're contributing to the global internet collective. You're not. You suck. Go curl up in a corner and wither away like you should be.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

I just had a WTF moment.

I actually Bent my iron ring!!!

I wonder where you go to fix that? I squeezed it with a pair of pliers and it's at least semi-round again. But you can tell its out-of-round.