Thursday, September 29, 2005

I just finished watching the movie 'Deliverance'. I'm going to be honest. I didn't get it. It was so unexciting. It lasts two hours but nothing happens. I think you're supposed to be captivated by the moral dilemma brought forth by what these guys experience but it seems pretty clear-cut to me.

Arrogant city guys go into a backwater county and meet mountain folk. Naturally there's a culture shock.

Stereotype prevails and unlettered mountain ruffians violate a pair of the protagonists.

Revenge ensues.

The movie ends about the way you expect.

Why did it have to take two hours? And what was with the last half hour especially? There was nothing to this movie. Like I said, I think you're supposed to be drawn into the moral question posed by the killings. I guess I'm a little too much from the 'do unto others' school of thought. You mess me up, and I'll return the favor. I think the mountain men deserved it.

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