Monday, March 31, 2008

Do you know what really grinds my gears?

Today is March 31. Its not July. The temperature was -2 C, with an overcast sky and a few sprinkles of snow coming down. It was not a hospitable day. You certainly wouldn't contemplate an outdoor activity for the sport of it.

I'm coming out of Zellers with my cat supplies and going in the opposite direction. He's got on shorts, and a shirt with the arms cut off. Frankly, it looked like he was on his way to a pick-up basketball game on some outdoor, asphalt court.

What the hell is everyone's hurry for it to be summer? Its cold and miserable out. Wear cold/miserable clothing. The world is not going to end if you don't wear shorts. Pants are a perfectly acceptable fashion choice.

So this asshole will go without proper clothing in the name of style and probably end up with a staph infection at some point. Stupidity usually knows no bounds. Then he'll be taken to a doctor with a fever and fits and they'll pump $600 worth of anti-biotics into him. The bill for that will end up on the desk of the local health region, which I am funding because I pay my taxes. So the result is, as it always is, that I gotta pay for this ass clown to be stupid.

Anyone got an idea when we're gonna get a clue about how we SHOULD be dealing with problems like this?

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