Friday, August 13, 2004

Notes from a busy Friday:

I don't have a turbidity problem in Maple Creek ---> YAY!!!!!

Something about me must smell attractive to deer. I saw another two today, as I tried to pass a very slow moving, old Honda.

I shouldn't spend that much time driving, with nothing else to do but think. I believe I shall go back to watching movies.

Tonight's Madden 2004 should be kick ass.

Missy, I was busy dealing with that pesky thing called work. Sorry.

I'm getting annoyed with a collection of people that should be busting their ass to get us ahead of schedule, and not wasting our time worrying about a) Who is getting ahead while they work, b)
what corners they can cut so they can get home sooner, c) the state of 'clean' provided by the custodial staff or d) whatever pointless or inane thing is occupying their mind, that has no significance in the global picture.

I forgot to phone Manitoba Water.

Today's Pain Report is only the usual stomach churning. Am I improving?

Backing up multiple GB's of files is very boring.

This whole, new building, plan is beginning to give me a headache.

Why did I suddenly become everyone's confidante?

I think I will enjoy the weekend. I hope all of you do too. Good night!!!

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